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3 years ago

Life has a distinctive value of making people do what it wants them to do and in doing so, we pass through some things that either destroy us or only change us because there's nothing we pass through that will not change us either mentally or physically.

   What life does to us does not depend on how strong you are physically. It mainly battles the mental health.

   Thus, when life battles the mental health, it changes people in a way that:

*they feel life is not fair to them,

*some start visiting the pub regularly just to clear of the intuition of what they have gone through

*whilst most people discover this ability of becoming so aggressive, heartless, and harmful.

    In the case of those that life destroys, all it means its that either they die physically or mentally but the intriguing part is that when they die mentally they are already dead physically.

    Thus, my purpose of writing this epistle is for us to expound our thinking on why life does what it does to us.

Should we follow the ubiquitous fact of survival of the fittest or are they other theories you know.

All forms of opinion will be honoured

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