How I went from an "ugh" writer to a "yay!" writer in just a week!

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2 years ago

Anybody with a basic grasp of English can write, but not everyone can write professionally.

I like to think of myself as being a good writer, as I have a good mastery of English (at least in my opinion) but I have come to learn a lot about writing good articles just after a week on this platform.

A little side story before the main event

I have written articles for different websites and forums over the years, worked as an editor in my university, and have also worked for as a content writer but I never really had the motivation for writing either because I'm doing it for free or the pay is too small.

I find it easier to edit other people's work (which got me the role of an editor in my university) but coming up or writing my own content is a hassle.

What I usually do back then when I was writing for Opera news is to check online for a particular topic I'm writing on, copy bits and pieces from 4 to 5 different websites, combine everything and edit it by changing the wording, sentence structure, and grammar, and then run the finished work through a plagiarism checker.

I knew what I was doing is wrong, but I couldn't bring myself to go through all the stress of researching about a topic and end up earning just about $10 every month for all articles I have written (yep, it's that bad 💔).

Even then, some of the work will get rejected by the moderators, Who will still go ahead and post the same article as theirs and earn a lot from views (really nasty and corrupt moderators), and that is precisely why I left.

How I got back in the game

I got to know of when I was reading a thread about sharing remote working experiences on one of my favorite online forums.

Someone (@Morning_Star) mentioned cryptocurrency writing and how he has been earning from it since last year.

At first, I didn't take interest in it (as I imagined it is another Opera news) but a couple of persons asked him about it and he explained.

From his explanation, I quickly deduced that this is far better than Opera news so I quickly hopped on the new thread he created since he might end up derailing the thread about remote jobs.

The new thread where he was talking about and other crypto-related blogs got deleted by the forum's bot (a super crazy bot) so he mentioned we should message him on telegram.

I messaged him immediately and he gave me an in-depth explanation about I signed up right away and got started on my first article immediately.

Now for the main event

The first article I wrote about is diary of a newbie programmer (yep, I'm learning web development as well 😎).

This wasn't so hard for me to write because it's something I am passionate about and I know it well enough, which brings me to my first tip;

1. Write about what you know

Being a good writer is all about writing what you know, this is quite obvious.

It can be an article about your life and experiences or an article about something you are learning (just like my diary of a newbie programmer) or learned (just like this article) or it can even be about something you have read or watched (just like my article about Lucifer).

The whole point is, write about something you know so well and it will come very easy to you. Don't just go and pick a random topic you know little about (just like I was doing during my time in Opera news) and start writing about it, you will likely end up burning yourself.

After my first article, Morning_Star (who at this point has become a mentor to me) gave me tips on how to format my articles to make them more presentable.

Before you post, check some of the best articles, see how they formatted their articles, and try and replicate it.

You know, headings, subheadings if need be.

Bold/italicized headings and those kinds of stuff, Spacing. Try not to write in block paragraphs, let the words breath.

And here goes my second tip:

2. Properly format your articles

Being a web developer and also having a history in graphics design, I know how to properly layout and format text when designing, but not in content writing! Although most things are similar.

I knew there is still a lot I don't know about content writing, so I got into my research mode and went digging.

I googled how to write articles and I got some pretty good tips from a couple of websites. I also checked YouTube and after going through a couple of videos, I got a pretty good one by Neil Patel

One thing I learned from Neil is; always make sure to break up long lines of text. Try to write in short paragraphs of about 5 to 6 lines as possible as you can, why?

People tend to run away from very long lines of text, as it can look like a lot of work to read. But using 5 to 6 lines of paragraphs (whenever possible) can help people to easily skim through your articles.

I'm not saying all your paragraphs have to be 5 to 6 lines (which depends on the type of article) but the majority of it should be around that range. Avoid having more than 10 lines of paragraphs.

I picked up a lot of things in that video including how to write introductions, using subheadings in your article body, putting up links to credible sources where you got information (just like I did in this article!), and a lot of others.

After watching the video, I checked out a couple more of Neil Patel's videos and I learned a lot (a hell lot). I also took a look at his website where he talked more about content writing.

It was through one of Neil's articles that I got to know of another great website:

To be continued...

I will be stopping the article here for now as it has gotten freakishly long 😂. Wouldn't reading 2000+ words in a couple of minutes be ridiculous to you? Well, it will be to a lot of persons.

I'm just gonna give you guys room to breathe and digest this first part while I work on the next part and trust me, you wouldn't want to miss the next one, as I will be dropping even more tips. This article is just the tip of the iceberg (see what I did there? 😉).

Don't forget to subscribe so you can be notified of my next update. See you next time

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Avatar for Kushyzee
2 years ago


"Write about what you know"...This couldn't have been said better... It comes passionately when you know what your writing about.. lovely article 💗✨

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. Writing about what you know is what makes writing enjoyable and fun. It shows in your work if you don't know much about what you're writing on.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have covered most of what needs to be covered here once you got into the meat of the article. One thing I will say is that for me, I have been writing for a very long time. Long before the Internet was around and long before blogging or self-publishing was a thing.

It is different than say, writing for a polished magazine of course. Or even writing an article for a newspaper.

And as such, when I started writing on the Internet I did change the WAY that I write, and how I structured my writing, in part taking into consideration that many of the readers are not readers at all actually. So, attention spans are shorter, and like you said, at no point should the reading feel like work.

So, that part about breaking things up into smaller bits and pieces is essential, and I do that more in an online setting than I would do in a regular setting. I also sometimes use text breaks, as I like to call them. That is to create blocks of text that are in a different format. Bold or italics. Underlined. Whatever.

For the readers these feel like little pauses or breaks which helps them to more easily move to the next larger paragraph blocks. For whatever it is worth, I find this to be very effective in keeping the readers engaged. Aside from just trying to create good content, of course.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly, you nailed it 👌 most readers online usually have short attention span and will like to quickly move on to the next available article or tidbit.

In addition to reading short paragraphs of text, most people will frown upon reading a very long article, which was actually why I had to split this article into two.

As for me covering most part that needs to be covered, you just have to check out my next article to see what's remaining 😃

There are a couple more important tips I haven't mentioned in this article that will feature in the next

From your comment, I already know you're a well experienced writer (even without mentioning it) and will probably not learn anything new from my next article, but it will still be great if you check it out. who knows, you might be surprised 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are always things to learn. In life one never stops learning. If they do, it's because they are dead. lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah you're right!

$ 0.00
2 years ago