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Written by
3 years ago

When you heard a word family,what is the thing that sink into your mind? Is it a blood relative,your mother,father,sister,brother or cousins,aunts and uncle? Or is it your grandmother and grandfather? Yes, we all call them our family. Or family member. Even our relatives are part of the family. But is it really the only definition of what we call family? To be exact, I grew up in a broken family. My father died when I was six years old. My mom is nowhere to be found at that time since they already split up since I was born. I never had a mother's love. She abandoned us and left us to our father who is an alcoholic and a gambler. My father died when I was six years old because of a cancer cause by his nonstop drinking of alcohol. But even though my father is like that he still pour us with his love and affection. He never let us feel unlove. That's why I never blame him in anything at all. When my father died, me and my siblings got separated with each other. They sent my older sister to our relatives in the province. While my older brother stayed in my Grandfather's care. And as for me,they sent me to my Uncle in the city. We all grew up separately without communication at all. But when my sister reach her right age. She took me and take care of me and stand's as my mother. We never seek help from our relatives even in our hardest time because we know that they won't help us even if we reach for them. That is the real color of our relatives. You see,even they are our family we still can't consider them as one since for them we also doesn't exist. Yes,we grew up with some of our relatives but they really didn't treat us well. They treat us as their housemaid,all around helper and not a family member at all. For me,my only dream before was to have a complete family. To have a loving mother,a caring father and a sweet and nice brother and sister. But now it's all just a dream. A dream that I had kept in the deepest part of my broken heart. Now that I am old enough, what I just want is to make a family of my own. The one that is not broken. And the one I can take care and make sure to be build with lots of love,care and happiness. I will make sure that even though I am not perfect but at least I can have a family that I can call my own!

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Avatar for Krizzy
Written by
3 years ago


your thought that you won't let another kid have a broken family is something to be proud of. Not everyone who have experienced those things have the guts to embrace their scars and move forward.

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3 years ago

Thank you😊

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3 years ago

I believe that home means a secure, cheerful place where you are respected and loved. There is no place like HOME...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Vrty good girl keep it up the write ang as Alwys be in good condition godbless u

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you!😊

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3 years ago