There were 50 engineers and 50 farmers in one country. Engineers used their research to invent various equipments which made many tasks easier for the farmers. On the other hand, the crops that the farmers used to grow 24 hours a day to meet the food needs of them and those engineers. Thus their days were going very well, until a computer trader came to that country. The businessman, with his talent, ingenuity and ingenuity, sold computers made by his company to each of the 50 engineers. After selling the computers to all the engineers, the businessman had no choice but to do some repairs. Then an evil idea came into his head. He went to the farmers and said, "Oh, how hard you are." I haven't worked hard all day. But how much money do you get after selling the crop? Look at the engineers. They sit comfortably in chairs all day and play computer games. But at the end of the month they get a lot of money. They want you to stay on the farm. You have to get out of it. We have to move forward. Hearing this, the farmers thought, that's right. We can't be farm-bound. The businessman then arranged computer training for the farmers and gradually sold the computers made by his company to all of them. Meanwhile, being industrious and patient by nature, the farmers started doing engineering work well. Although they are not like the top level engineers, it was found that some of them are qualified from the middle or lower level engineers. In this way, the farmers and the engineers, who had been collaborators for so long, became competitors of each other.
Suddenly a new problem appeared. All the farmers were encouraged to do engineering work and there was no one left to work in agriculture. As a result, there was a food crisis in the country. On the other hand, due to the lack of agriculture, engineers are no longer able to find inspiration to invent something new. As a result, frustration and inferiority appeared among them. Seeing no way out, they rushed to the businessman for a solution. The businessman's business was booming then. And he has no desire to ruin his business by advising farmers and engineers to return to their professions. So he came up with a fancy solution. He told everyone that they should do farming as well as engineering. So now both engineers and farmers do engineering work in some part of their day and farming in some part. Everyone thought that peace and equality were established in the society. But no, there was another disaster. Talented and skilled engineers are not able to devote enough time to their engineering work for agriculture. As a result, new discoveries are not being made like before. Again skilled farmers are not giving enough time to agriculture under the pressure of their engineering work. So now the field is not being harvested. As a result, both of them suffered in bringing peace and equality between the two fields.
This is one of the best articles I've read today.Those who are skilled in that work should be engaged in that work.No task is difficult. Everything is easy if you think of yourself.