Writer's block and @theblackdoll's perfection

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Avatar for Kristofferquincy
3 years ago

My writer's block is mostly reflective of the fact that I have gone through more than enough stress in the previous day and in past days thus gradually accumulating till it becomes imminent and all things writing skills and ability to think properly becomes absolutely far from me. As much as I wanted to publish an article really nearly today, my brain wanted the opposite- been awake since few minutes past 6 am and everything within me simply wanted to pick up that keyboard and begin typing out my heart but in turned out they there is nothing in my heart to be typed, it's all full of emptiness, tiredness, scrambled thoughts and stress from the previous day.

That level of stress where you sleep for 10 hours straight yet it would feel like you've only slept for two minutes thus waking up exhausted and with a brain that says "no to writing"; a very non- cooperative brain at it's finest.

I want to write about yesterday's stress and my inability to breathe properly at some point due to exposure to a very negligible amount of heat and dust which wouldn't harm anyone but me due to lungs hypersensitivity and whatever my cardiologist chooses to call it; after all I've not been there in over six months and....I'd rather not talk about this...

Writer's block is Man's greatest enemy; it takes away your high level of productivity and leaves you with nothing but the ability to chase cars like a dog without an idea of what to do if you eventually caught one. It has left me with nothing but the ability to beat around the Bush while teyingbhard to emdorebthe article reaches a minimum of four minutes read so I could successfully hit the publish button.

Lead image

"If I were to write in the old fashioned way, the above picture would be a perfect representation of the outcome- too many squeezed sheets with zero productivity"

I sometimes wish I had a special brain like my crush @Theblackdoll; she writes horror stories like it's a walk in the park; perfectly written stories that I sometimes wonder if she's secretly a Hollywood director masquerading as a mother, and husband and friend while simultaneously writing on read.cash in a I'd to lead a normal life away from the celebrity lifestyle. I sometimes think about her gifts, her talent, her style of writing and the fact that those horror stories keep on coming everyday while maintaining the quality of the stories and getting better at it everyday.

She must secretly be a goddess; taking care of family all day long and still having time to write this amazing stories is an embodiment of perfection; she's superman, Batman and wonder woman in one person. In fact she's the entire justice league in one body.

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"The blackdoll is a goddess with the ability to wrote without thinking; a gift I want as well if only she'd be willing to share"

If only I could meet her in person then maybe she'd teach me exactly how she does it, and writer's block would be as far away from me as possible; I'm taking the next available flight to India- will get to the airport and begin to request for theblackdoll until they lead her to me..haha haha....(it doesn't work that way).

My typing fingers are beginning to hurt and my ability to think is diminishing as time passes; 9.46 pm at the time of writing and I didn't meet up with my "publish an article before 9 am challenge", this is really annoying, I can't blame nobody but the stress I had to go through yesterday.

Today is a Monday but I'd totally skip work so I could relax and regain that lost strength; those hypertension medications are stating st meon the dining table but I'd skip them for later. They taste terrible and I don't wanna begin my day with a horrible taste in my mouth.

I do hope you're enjoying your day wherever you are; have fun, don't hold yourself back and rest when you can.


$ 0.73
$ 0.66 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @GarrethGrey07
$ 0.02 from @Theblackdoll
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Avatar for Kristofferquincy
3 years ago


I can feel you, sometimes I also had hard time to think of what topic should I write and managing my time is hard. Sometimes I don't have any time to reply on my comments as my time is very limited. But atleast we didn't stop as we keep on trying to keep on track. Keep writing mate.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

It's not really easy writing everyday but I mostly force myself to write just to ensure that I do not break a self promise of yes to writing everyday.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Lmaooo tell me what do you want directly.. I will give you that.. instead of doing this 🤣🤣🤣

On a serious note, thank you very much, appreciate your kind words.. and hey, I have a writer's block currently too.. but I read/hear a lot of stories and thus getting some ideas... :)) and still ave not posted anything from morning.. not even sure what to write.. Maybe I will write about you lol

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Teach me how to write horror stories and we'd be best friends forever.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I honestly go with the flow of my mind once I start to write.. As I already mentioned earlier, I think it depends on how much you read/listen/see in that niche.. I think it is easy for me because I'm obsessed lol.. and if I can do it, anybody can do it too

$ 0.00
3 years ago