What You Sow, You Reap

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4 years ago

We make decisions everyday. In some situation, we have to decide on the spot. In other situations, we have a few hours, days, or even weeks to decide.

"Oh, wow!" This is how we react when a happy surprise comes our way. Sometimes though, we ask "Why"? When things don't turn out the way we expected, or when our lives take a bad turn. We should realize that much of what happens to us is the result of either a good action or a foolish decision we made in the recent or distant past.

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Why it is important to carefully think things before making decision or going into action?. Always bear in mind that in every decision we make, it has a good outcomes or bad results, that we have to face whatever the consequences of our actions is.

Here are some pointers on how to make a wise decisions: Think the Causes and the Effects in our Life, in our Body, and in our Future.

If Someone who overeats at meals and snacks heavily four times a day. Do you think it is good? No! We will most likely end up Overweight.

If a person who crosses a busy street without first looking to the right and to the left what do you think will happen? Yes! You think it right, he or she might probably get hit by a car.

If a student who spends her entire weekly allowance on the day it was given, what will happen the next day? Right the next day He or She will have no money for needs he/she might have during the week.

If a sick person who refuses to take his medicine will surely get worse.

If a person who exercises and eats wisely, probably will have a healthy body.

But if a gymnast who refuses to practice regularly, will probably lose in any completions he/she joins.

These are just simple situations that we make and decide that sometimes we still make mistakes, how come if we face heavy, deep, difficult, things to be decided we can overcome it!

The results of our actions and decisions are never easily undone. Sometimes we do things and later regret. Reason why; Before making decisions that could change your life, ask yourself first what you are getting into, what risks you might face with your decision about to make, what are the possible results of what will you do, will this bring you any good or will you benefits it or you will regret doing it tomorrow, next week,next year.

Weigh the benefits and disadvantages of your actions. Consider all options. A choice that, at first glance, may seem disagreeable, may actually be the best. Never take action when you're angry. We all know that anger blinds people, it makes them do things they would never have done if they were in a pleasant state of mind.

Think of the people, aside from yourself, who will be affected by your decision, maybe your partner be hurt or your family will suffer. Better to Seek advice, just be careful who you go to. Choose someone you respect; someone who can be trusted; someone who can help you make a wise decision.

And lastly Pray. Ask God for wisdom to make the right kind of decision.


Blessed Sunday morning my Read.Cash familyπŸ˜‡

Thank you for reading πŸ“–

Love lots 😍


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4 years ago


Yes it's true. Please check my article.

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4 years ago

Ok dear thanks. Good morning

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4 years ago