Proudly God Made

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4 years ago

It would be good for us to settle once and for all the question of where we came from. Our beliefs would dictate to us how we would treat ourselves, how we would interact with other people, how we would view our world and how we would relate with God. In short, what we believe in concerning our origin would affect all our other values and beliefs in life.

The theory that the earth and everything in it, including us humans, came into being by chance already been accepted as fact by many.

There are two opposing words which are both used to explain how we came into being: One is "CREATION" and the other is "EVOLUTION".

Creation states that the earth and everything in it was created by a great and wise and powerful being called GOD . That we were created by a direct will of GOD. That all living things reproduce reproduce only after their own kind.


Evolution states that the earth and everything in it developed in stages from simple to more complex forms. That we came into being by accident. That non living matter changed into a very tiny living organism, over thousands of millions of years gradually changed and has become every living thing that has ever lived. It is impossible to believe that the earth with all its balance, intricacy, precision and volume came into being by pure accident.

Evolution believe that things have evolved from simple to complex; from chaos to organization.

Science cannot accept Evolution as widely accepted as it may seem, there are several loopholes to the evolution theory. And if you are an honest scientist, dedicated to truth and careful investigation of facts, then you would also reject evolution. Why?

Evolution is just a guess, it is only "hypothesis", and it remains such. No one claim up to now, even the scientists who adhere to it, that they have come up with enough evidence to prove that evolution may already be accepted as scientific fact. It is impossible to believe that the earth with all its balance, intricacy, precision and volume came into being by pure accident.

Evolutionists also believe that things have evolved from simple complex; from chaos to organization.

Non living things are still non living Spontaneous generation, or the idea that life came from non living matter, was scientifically disproved by LOUIS PASTEUR in 1860.

Missing links are still missing, the missing links supposed to prove that complex man evolved from a simple animal, are still missing. A search has been made to fill in the gaps in the transition of animal to man, and there have been said to be certain "discoveries" made, but as time passed these discoveries were proven to be either mistakes or just a hoaxes.


Those who know God and believe Him cannot in the same breath say that they also believe in evolution.

It denies the existence of God. Evolution believe that things came into existence by chance. But We believe that there is a SOMEONE who caused us to come into being....GOD. We further believe that there can never be a created being without a creator.

Evolution takes away the credibility of the Bible. The Bible starts with this statement " In the beginning God created " If we cannot believe the first statement of the Bible then we would find it hard to accept the rest of the things written in it.

Evolution degrades humankind and relegates us to the level of animals. The Bible says we are special creations because God Himself formed us. We are not animals, not even the highest form of animal. Even we ourselves think it's a disgrace to be called a monkey, a pig or an elephant.

Evolution takes away moral responsibility. Evolution gives man a license to live and act like an animal. One teacher of evolution stated; "As long as I believe I am nothing but an animal, I can live any way I choose. But as soon as I admit there is a Creator, then I become morally responsible to that Creator, and frankly, I don't want to be morally responsible to anyone! (Fast Facts on False Teachings)

We are created in God's image. This means that God has given us certain qualities and characteristics that belong to Him. Thus, to understand ourselves better, and to have a healthier concept of who we are, we should get to know the God who created us, understand His nature and discover more of the characteristics that He has given us.

I am Proudly God Made and not just freak accidents or products of chance. Im a reflection of God's Image and Proud to be One.

Thank you for reading ๐Ÿ“–

Love lots โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜˜


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4 years ago


I believe in God

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4 years ago


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4 years ago

Amazing are so lucky person

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4 years ago

Thank you dear, we are all lucky. Good afternoon

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4 years ago

Amazing article dear, This is very interesting article so for that @TheRandomRewarder๐Ÿ’ž upvoted you.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

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4 years ago

Good morning and Thank you for appreciating my works dear. . God bless and have a Blessed Sunday ahead.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜

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4 years ago

Wonderful article and visit my article.

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4 years ago