Buried cases of Women

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4 years ago

Do you still remember the story of Magie dela Riva?

Magie dela Riva was a rising young ABS CBN television star in (1967) When she was abducted, raped and tortured by a notorius gang of young men at the Swanky Hotel in Pasay City.

I want to remind you of Magie's story because she is one of the reasons why our Women have the courage to fight now.

Let's start;

Who should be trusted? Maybe not you..Not the neighbor..And even the closest relative .

This may be the result of fears after you read the next stories of children who have been victims of sexual abuse. Thanks to Magie dela Riva who dared to stand up and express his experience at the hands of the four notorious gang men so that they could be arrested and punished. He paved the way for some of our women to have the courage to stand up, present and fight for the many rights that have been denied to them for so long.

How many cases have been published? Heard, and how many were discarded and buried in oblivion?

How many young women keep their mouths shut because of bribery or fear? and how many more will be bribed and intimidated?

How many more stories to read? The story of a child who was abused by his own father while his mother was away or if he was there, did not have the courage to interrupt. Story of a toddler who is enticed by a piece of candy and chocolate and is forced to join fraudulent pedophiles. Stories of children being forced to be sold by parents in exchange for a fair amount. These are just some of the serious problems of society.

Gabriela, on the other hand, opposes rampant prostitution. Some of the women were sent to Japan, Cyprus, etc to sell flesh in the belief that they would starve in the Philippines.

What steps is the government taking to tackle this problem? Are programs and laws implemented that aim to protect victims of abuse and violence? Is it possible to give justice to the wasted lives? You ... will you allow this to happen to you or your loved ones? Take action .. Participate! Oppose this evil. Don't let that happen. Many more women are being exploited.

How long will such stories continue? Is there no hope that the slurred dignity of the Filipinos will rise again?

(Maggie de la Riva was born in 1942 in the Philippines as Magdalena T. de la Riva. She is an actress, known for Lagablab sa Maribojoc (1964), Istambay (1963) and 7 Mata-Hari (1965).)

Thanks for reading, hope it helps.us to become aware. Let us fight for our rights.

Love lots ❤️😘


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4 years ago


That is a real issue..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, Hoping at least a little reduce the number of victims of this harrassment. This is so alarming that this is happening in the Philippines today ..aside of pandemic, it should be taken into consideration also.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is one of the prominent issues here in the Philippines. How disgusting these men are 🤮 They even have the guts to blame the victim for giving them the motive. Seriously? If these guys could just control the demons inside of them, everything will be in order. This is so frustrating. Stop victim blaming 😠

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, it is true, sometimes the victims are even blamed. It hurts me when I read such cases, it is so depressing 😭😭

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4 years ago

This is hopeless. It's a man nature to get tempted, but the response relies on their minds. Drugs added a big factor to these heinous crimes.

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4 years ago