Breastmilk is still best for babies. Somehow in this day and age, when so much time and research have gone into creating all these new and improved nutritional supplements and infant formulas, that statement seems arguable. Yet how come, at the end of all these new formulas and their new ingredients to make your baby brighter and stronger, there is still this little disclaimer that says Breastmilk is still best for babies? Because it is still the truth.
As a mother our breastmilk is made for our baby. It was specially formulated by our body, which has been nourishing the life and encouraging the growth of that precious little bundle of joy we have been carrying for almost nine months. If our baby been born, he or she still needs to nurture and care. One of the ways we can do this is by nourishing them through the breastmilk of our body produces. Breast milk has exactly the right amount and kind of protein for our baby's growth, and it is always at the right temperature for our baby to enjoy. Especially the first milk, colostrum. It contains natural antibodies that help keep our body from getting infections, particularly those of the respiratory and intestinal system to which a newborn is especially vulnerable.
Babies who aren't breastfed have higher rates of middle ear infections,pneumonia and gastroenteritis.
Breastfeeding protects against immune system cancer such as hymphoma, bowel diseases such aa Crohn's disease and celiac spruc and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. There is also some evidence that breastfeeding could also help protect our baby from developing allergies in the future.
Breastfeeding also helps our baby's teeth in jaw grow properly. Sucking at the breast a baby uses 60 times more energy than when drinking from a bottle. The exercise the baby's jaw muscles get by sucking, the constant pulling, encourages the growth of well formed jaws and straight, healthy teeth. Some people even say that breastfeeding helps keep your baby from getting too fat, it's easier to overfeed a baby when giving him/her formula than when you're breastfeeding him/her.
And of course we can't deny what a cozy picture of mother and child make. There is no more potent symbol of the bond between mother and child. But it's not just a symbol. Studies show that it's through moments from contact like this that an actual bond between mother and child is formed.
Breastfeeding stimulates the release of the hormone oxytocin in a mothers body. This promote the development of maternal behavior and strengthens the bonding between mother and child.
Breastfeeding is also invaluable for the direct contact it establishes between mother and child. It satisfies a baby's emotional needs close skin to skin contact provides optimal nurturing and an almost automatic close emotional attachment. Touch has healing powers and is something we need all our lives. Touch is also invaluable for babies.
Nursing our child is good for us. Not only is it joyful and relaxing bonding experience, there are also actual physical benefits to be gained by breastfeeding. First of all, if breast milk is good for babies and produces healthier babies, there is less stress involved. A healthy baby is less stressful to care for than a sickly one.
Nursing our child also helps shrink our uterus after childbirth. The process of lactation causes the uterus to shrink. This also protects us from postpartum hemorrhage and also contributes to our getting our fatigue back.
Breastfeeding is also a natural form of contraception. While we nursing, ovulation and menstruation are delayed.
Breastfeeding is also good for the environment. It is completely natural, efficient use of resources. Infant formulas involve over grazing of land by cattle, use of chemical fertilizers to grow soy; use of resources for formula production; packaging and transportation of product; use of water and fuel for mixing the product and heating it, for sterilizing bottles and nipples; waste disposal of cans, bottles,accessories,cartons,etc.
There are also studies that seem to indicate that mother's who breastfeed for at least six months throughout their lifetime have a decreased risk of breast cancer and similar reduced rates have been shown for ovarian and uterine cancers. While there is a temporary loss in bone density while breastfeeding, after breastfeeding,our bones actually get stronger,protecting us from Osteoporosis.
All in all,how we feed our baby is our choice. Whether we decide to breastfeed or bottlefeed really all depends on us and our lifestyle. But if we can slip in a bit of breastfeeding every now and then or at least express breast milk and bottlefeed it to our baby; the benefits are tremendous. Infant formulas and supplements may become better and more improved with more and more special ingredients every day, but breast milk is still good for babies.
Thanks for reading π
Good day.
Love lots β€οΈπ
I'm not a mom yet or will never be (?) π but according to my mom and female relatives, when a breastfeeding mom is running out of milk, one effective way of replenishing milk is to drink soup like malunggay?