A Railroad Crossing

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Horror, Story

Recently, a new employee had been hired by the organization. It was necessary for her to commute to work every day because the company was located a long distance away from her home. A rail-road crossing separated her home from the train station, which was around 10 minutes walking distance away.

A drinking party was being held by her employer on that particular day. Following her return home from work, she changed her clothing and then headed to the party location.

With her co-workers, she had a great time drinking. After the celebration was ended, she went to Karaoke with a group of her close friends.. The excitement had caused her to lose track of time, and it was already time for the last train to leave on its scheduled schedule. Her departure was hastened in order not to miss the train, so she dashed to the train station. Because of her quick thinking, she was able to get to the station in time and board the train.

That it was already past midnight was evidenced by the dense darkness outside the train station.

They dropped her off near her home at a train station.

As she walked across the platform, she was struck with a profound sense of unease. She noticed a white figure at the very end of the platform. She, on the other hand, was intoxicated, so she put the incident down to that and went home.

She had the distinct impression that she was being followed while walking down the route to her house. She had a sneaking suspicion that it was the white figure from earlier.

She hurriedly made her way to the rail-road crossing. The alarm was beeping, indicating that a train was approaching. She rapidly across the railroad crossing before the gate could close in order to avoid being stuck with the white creature from before.

She turned around. The white figure stood in front of the crossing's locked gate. When she recognized what she had been running from for so long, she experienced shivers all over her body.

The image appeared to be a woman dressed in white. Her dark hair, on the other hand, completely concealed her face. Despite the fact that the person appeared to be standing, it was doing so in a completely unnatural manner. Her entire lower body was transparent, including her thighs.

For a brief while, the oncoming train obscured the vista. When the train had passed, the white figure had vanished as well.

The events of that day have passed, and A has not come across the white object since. She even looked for any accidents that might have occurred in the area, but she came up empty-handed.

Whatever it was, it will undoubtedly stay a mystery.

(This is Koyang's original work. Please visit https://read.cash/@Koyang for more stories by this author.)

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Horror, Story
