Questions that don't let me sleep at night.

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2 years ago

Hello community, after having made my presentation post I feel very happy to make my first article, beginning in March with a lot of desire to have a lot of participation in the platform and I would like to start showing my sarcastic side and the sense of humor, with which I like to write, as my friend the joker would say Because so serious.....

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It happens to you that sometimes the thoughts in your head become voices that do not know how to shut up, I usually go to bed late and sometimes I struggle intensely with these thoughts, I write here because maybe something similar happens to some of you, if so I would like to know which ones Are the thoughts keeping you awake at night?

1-Where is Arya Stark???

2-if the rock Dwayne Johnson retires from the cinema, who is going to do the next remakes, I want the rock to be the next robocop

3-when a millionaire flies me they will love me for my money or for my feelings

4-because the fourth Matrix movie was so bad, maybe we are in the Matrix and the movie is a way to make fun of all of us.

5-in the metaverse I will be able to tell Mark Elliot Zuckerberg not to steal my personal information after having given all my personal information to be part of the Metaverse.

6-what is gluten?

7-there are studies that say that coffee will end in 30 years due to climate change, are we going to be able to live without coffee?

8-What is the level of ignorance of President Maduro, is there something beyond infinity?

9-if bad bunny retires from writing songs, who could replace him

10-If the economy recovers, who am I going to blame for not having money?

11-Why is Dany Trejo Machete not in the wild stallone indestructibles, are they afraid of her?

12-because after millions of years of evolution in the human species there are people like putin, nicolas Maduro, Kim Jong-un

13- this article will seem good or very good or excellent or a level above excellence, humility first

14-If the jokes I tell are so good, why don't people laugh?

15-am i the only one who liked the game of thrones ending

16- What does a person who lost his bitcoin address with millions of dollars in BTC think?

17-Will the fight between Vin Diesel and the Rock be for real or a publicity stunt?

18-Did Jon Snow know he was sleeping with his aunt?

19- If Elon Musk moves to the planet Mars, who will be our guide in the world of cryptocurrencies?

20-If I watch less television I would be a more productive person

21-because someone thought it was a good idea to create a nuclear weapon that is capable of ending the entire world

22-If the inquisition did not execute many scientists, what kind of world would we live in now?

23-because the foods that are the most delicious are the ones that make you fatter

24- because they didn't name the imp as king of the 7 kingdoms, maybe he wasn't the best candidate but it was fun

25-pandemic, wars, economic crisis, environmental crisis, volcanoes there is a person playing jumanji

final thoughts

These were the thoughts I had last night and they didn't let me sleep, but the good thing is that I'm here at to read interesting articles, soon I'll post more serious topics, the important thing is to write original and own content, thanks to all the who made comments on my presentation post, we are experiencing difficult times because of what we see in the news but we must try to keep our spirits up, thank you all very much I hope that this month of March we can meet our goals and here on this platform there are many people active with interesting things to say, we all have talents mine today is jokes, thanks.

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2 years ago


Bad Bunny writes songs?? I also get that, too much thinking when I go to bed, I usually try to divert them by singing in my head, it usually works ☺️

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2 years ago