Write and Convert: 7 Tips for Writing an Effective Landing Page Copy

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2 years ago

A landing page is an important tool for online businesses. It’s where visitors come when they click on your website link from another site or social media platform. In this article, we’ll show you how to write an effective landing page copy.

Writing well is a skill that requires practice. In today’s digital marketplace, the ability to write compelling copy has become even more important. That’s because the competition for attention is fierce. What makes a great landing page copy? Good copy brings buyers closer to your offer, helps them form an opinion about your brand, and encourages them to purchase from you.

When creating a landing page, keep in mind that the copy needs to be:

1. Clear

Landing pages have high bounce rates because people don't understand what they're looking at, or what they're supposed to do. Your goal here is to make sure your landing page copy is both simple and easy to read. You want to avoid long sentences and redundant words. Instead, use short sentences that are direct and simple to read.

2. Concise

The second thing you need to consider is how much content you put on your landing page. Landing page copy should be concise and to the point. Your goal should be to provide enough information that the person reading it can grasp the gist of your message, but not so much that s/he gets overwhelmed. Don't let your audience get distracted by unnecessary information. Make sure only relevant information is included. One way to achieve this is to start off with a headline and then expand upon each section of text using bullet points.

3. Engaging

Your landing page copy needs to be engaging. You want people to be interested in reading it - to take action. To do this make sure that the copy is interesting. Remember that visitors are on a mission to find something of value. Give them what they want. Think about your audience and if they'll be bored or excited by what you have to say. Be authentic and honest. Your customers will know if you're trying to oversell or mislead them.

4. Actionable

Landing pages are sales pages. So don't just tell visitors how great your product/service is without giving them the information they need to make a decision. People want answers, not promises. Give them the facts and let them decide. Don't forget to add call-to-actions to your landing page so visitors know how to proceed.

Here are the tips to help you write an effective landing site

1. Single Conversion Goal

Landing pages should always have a singular objective. A landing page should focus only on one action you want visitors to take – whether it’s signing up for email marketing or filling out a contact form. If you make them fill out multiple forms, they might end up leaving without completing what you want them to do. It is vital to ensure you have written content that encourages them to convert their interest into action. You should always be asking yourself – what action do I want my potential customer to take? Then write your content around achieving that specific goal. Make sure everything you put on a landing page aligns with the purpose of the page, and keep it simple!

2. Killer Headline

If you can't think of what to put at the top of your landing pages, then ask yourself who would click on it? Would it catch your attention? What's the first thing that pops into mind when you see it? Make sure you use the right keyword that represents your product or service. Don't just throw keywords into headlines without having a clear understanding of how these words will benefit the reader and help them achieve their goals.

3. Be Specific About Benefits

In order to appeal to everyone, you need to be able to communicate your message clearly. However, you don't want to get lost in a sea of information. Instead, focus on the outcome you're trying to achieve and explain exactly what the benefits of your offer are. Readers love to know why they should act now or buy what they've been reading about. Your landing page copy should provide enough detail to allow buyers to understand exactly how they will benefit from using your product or service.

The more specific you are about the benefits of something, the easier it is to understand. Instead of saying, “your free trial lasts 30 days,” try instead saying, “a free trial of our product provides access to over 50 premium features and guarantees you won’t pay until you’ve tried our solution.” When explaining how something works, use bullet points to give details about what you’re offering.

Tell visitors why they should click

This is what makes landing pages successful. You want people clicking on your links and signing up for services. Your goal should always be to sell something. If you don't have anything to offer them then you'll never close the sale.


  • Don't make promises you can't keep - if your product/service doesn't deliver what it says it's going to do, no one will buy from you.

  • Describe the problem clearly - If you're selling a product, explain exactly what the problem is. When writing about a service, state what the problem is and who is suffering from it.

  • State what solution you are offering – tell visitors exactly what they are getting for their money.

  • Explain how much time and effort is involved in purchasing your product/services - Make sure that your audience understands the commitment they need to make before buying.

  • Give clear instructions and guidance – In case your visitor isn't sure where to start, provide clear step by step instructions.

4. Include Relevant Keywords

Do not underestimate this step. Including relevant keyword(s) helps people who may be searching for your service, product or opportunity find you. When someone searches for a name or phrase, Google, Bing, Yahoo!, or any other search engine pulls websites out of their index that matches those keywords. That means if you want to rank higher in the SERPs (search engine results page), you need to make sure your content contains these relevant keywords. A well-written landing page copy with relevant keywords will help improve your search engine optimization (SEO) ranking, which can lead to higher conversion rates. Make sure the keyword you select is relevant to the content of your landing page and the products/services you offer.

5. Add Images.

Images are powerful, and they work really hard to convince your audience that you are trustworthy and credible. Pictures add personality to any piece of writing. This makes it easier for them to visualize the benefits of using your product or service. In fact, images are even more effective than videos, which is why so many online marketing experts recommend adding at least two to three images to any web page. That said, too many images can actually turn off readers. Keep the number of images to a minimum and try to find visual cues that will explain what your page is all about without distracting from the text.

6. Provide customer testimonials

Customer testimonials can be incredibly powerful. Many companies use testimonials to establish credibility, demonstrate authenticity, and inspire confidence in potential clients. These short snippets of personal experience by real people can be a huge asset to your business. One word of caution: Don't use fake testimonials.

7. Proofread

Don't forget to proofread. A little extra time spent making sure everything is spelled correctly and punctuated properly could save you hours later. And don't worry about being perfect. There are several tools online that can show you where your mistakes are and let you fix them automatically.

Closing Thought

Landing pages that offer compelling value aren’t hard to write, because they focus on what you want your visitors to do - not what you think they should do. A weak call to action is vague. It might say, “Click here!” but don’t tell them why

Copywriting is important because it helps you get your message across and ensures that people understand what you're trying to say. If people don’t understand your messaging, they won’t buy from you. Landing pages are the first place you'll see a company's branding and marketing messages. You should choose colors, font styles, images, and all other aspects to ensure that your landing page stands out among others. A strong copy will encourage visitors to read more, while a weak copy is likely to leave them confused.

Strong copy solves your customers' problems. Weak copy does not. If you're selling something, your copy must clearly tell what benefits your product provides, why the buyer should care, and whether or not it will help them achieve their goals. A poorly written copy may even turn people off before they ever reach the sales funnel. Fortunately, creating a conversion-winning landing page does not require any special skills.

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