We Make Choices Everyday

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2 years ago
Topics: Choice, Decision, Choices

Everyday we wake up, we make choices.

To hit the gym, of lay in bed. To take action towards becoming rich, or swim in our pool of excuses and remain broke. To leave that toxic friends, or keep deteriorating in the mind. We all make choices. Every single one of us.

The choice we make everyday, whether we know it or not, matters more than we think. It's about how we spend our time, our energy, and our money. We choose to do things because we want to feel good about ourselves, and we choose to do things because someone else expects us to do them.

When we don't take responsibility for making choices, life gets out of hand very quickly. We end up spending too much time trying to figure out why we're unhappy, rather than doing something about it. Our lives become unmanageable, and it takes an incredible amount of willpower to change anything.

If you're unhappy, chances are you've done some things that you regret. You might have cut corners at work, or spent money you didn't really have. Or maybe you haven't taken care of yourself as well as you should. Whatever the reason, every day you wake up there are new decisions to be made.

And every decision you make affects everything else in your life. So what are you choosing today?"

"The question: “Why do you choose this instead of that?” is one of the most important questions we ask ourselves in life. We make choices everyday and there’s always something better out there somewhere. But sometimes, we don’t know how to answer that question. We want to make sure that we’re making the right choice here. Because here is the deal – everything we do is part of our story. And every single choice matters because it influences us.

Things to Consider When Making Choices (Decision)

We make choices everyday, be it about work, taking a vacation or deciding what to eat for breakfast. Choices are a very integral part of life. They can either make or break a person's life.

When you're making a choice, there are a lot of factors at play. You want to be sure that the decision you make is the best possible one for your life and for the people around you.

These tips aren't just for people who are struggling with their decision-making skills; they're for anyone who wants to make sure they're getting the best possible outcome from their decisions.

When making a decision, it helps to ask yourself:

  1. What's the goal? Is it something that will help you accomplish your goals in life? Or is it just something fun for now? If "fun" is your goal, then go for it! But if you're really looking for something substantial, then don't be afraid to go back and revisit this decision later on down the road when you have time and energy to devote to it.

  2. Who else will be affect? Can everyone in your family benefit from it, or does one person need to be left out because they might get hurt by using it? Don't forget about anyone who might need their own special consideration when making this decision—even if they don't say anything!

  3. Do I have enough money right now to get this item or service? If not, is there another way I can spend my money instead of buying this item or service?

  4. Does it fulfill my needs? If not, then why am I considering buying it? What do I need by getting it?

Things to Note

  • Look at your options and choose one that is suitable for your lifestyle

  • Learn from past mistakes and avoid repeating them in the future

  • Take time to think about the consequences of your choice before making it

  • Listen to other people before making a decision, especially when your decision affects others.

  • Take into consideration all the pros and cons before making your ultimate choice

  • Think about your goals.

  • Your choice is a reflection of who you are.

  • You can choose to make the right choice, or not make the right choice.

  • Don’t rush. Take your time.

Hopefully our conclusion into making choices will help reinforce how worthwhile the experiences of life are because we don't stop learning everyday. We live and we learn, don't forget and be happy to so.

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Avatar for Knowhere
2 years ago
Topics: Choice, Decision, Choices


Yesterday i was a bit disoriented coz it's the first of July and there's something about this month that makes me sad. But then waking up today and i made my choice to get up and face July with a smile and hope that i will get through this month without messing it up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Life itself is a choice.

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2 years ago