How to Love Yourself (Part 4: The Final Part)

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3 years ago


This article was based only with my own opinion and perspective. Please do not take it as a fact and a must-do, but as an inspiration.

The last part of loving yourself was to love others and make you feel loved by them. Love from other people can't be gotten by force. People will love you for who you are, but you don't need to wait for anyone to love you first before you love them as well. After loving yourself, you can now start to love others because you know that you need to leave a percentage of love for yourself. You will not give your hundred percent to that someone since there is no assurance that he or she will cherish the love you are giving. You also do not know he or she will love you back.

I had this experience when I was around 17 years old. I was still immature yet I tried to enter a serious relationship. I remember back then, I gave my everything to him yet I always got hurt because of his attitude. I kept hoping that he will realized his mistakes and shortcomings for me. Hoping that he will realized that I love him more than myself, but it did not happen. I broke up with him after two years of fighting on my own, and I am the one who realized that I do not love myself anymore. I did not see and know my worth anymore. I was so devastated with what happened to myself. I was not able to do what I need to do everyday, I can't even bond with my friends anymore, I can't go to places wherever it is, I can't buy things for myself, I can't socialize to other people all because of him. I felt betrayal. I hated myself for what I did. He does not even deserve me. I do not even know if you called it love anymore.

However, it serves as a lesson for me. Gladly, that kind of relationship did not happen anymore. Everyone, love yourself first before others. Spread love.

Have you ever experienced this situation? Let me know in the comments and I might help you.

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Written by
3 years ago


Yes. Sometimes we need situations like to this to wake us up that we are worthy. We don't need others to complete us. Thank you for this ❤️

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3 years ago

loving yourself deals with the value you give to yourself, if you don't value or cherish whom you are, then there is no way you will love yourself.

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3 years ago