Anxiety in Online Class is NOT a joke.

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3 years ago

Have you experienced having a breakdown because of the unending school works that was given to you by your professor?

Have you already ditched class even if you're just at home?

Did you almost failed a subject even if Google was just there to answer all your homeworks?

If your answer is yes, please keep on reading because I want to help you.

The pandemic affected the lives of people globally. It affected us physically, mentally, and emotionally usually in a negative way. This resulted for the decision to have an online class instead of face-to-face classes. I want to give this awareness to all students like me who's experiencing anxiety in online class.

I am an extrovert, a wanderer, and an outgoing person. Yes, I love to stay outside and hang out with my friends and classmates. I'm not fond of staying at the house. Most of the students that have a similar personality like me were likely to have an anxiety in today's classroom set-up. Honestly, I was grateful about the government's decision with the continuous eduction they provided for the youth during this pandemic season. Students can still go to school virtually and take their lessons without the worry of catching the virus. They have an option to continue their education without the need to stop, and go back after the pandemic ends.

However, in every advantage there will be an equivalent disadvantage. Online class for some students was expensive. Many works in the early stage of pandemic lose their jobs that affected their financial status. This includes the parents who were working for their children, and students who were working to pay for their education. I want to share this observation I had with you from my schoolmates. Before pandemic, I have friends at school who were already having a hard time on where to get their tuition fees. Although, they managed to pay for it because of the support from their parents. However, when online classes started, I saw a huge decline on enrollees which made me worry. Some of my friends were not able to enroll last semester because their incapability to pay since their parents or guardian lose their job due to cutting of employees. Some of my friends were forced to look for work just to continue their education. That's why their performance at class were affected because of the stress they got from work, and the school works that they need to do.

Anxiety is a reaction from stress.

I would like to say that I'm very lucky because my parents can still afford my tuition fee in spite of the pandemic that affected their job. I thought of working one time just to help my parents in our financial needs, but they did not let me since we are preventing to catch the virus. It is very frustrating for me as the eldest sibling in the family that I can't help financially. Yes, I am still at studying but it must not be a hindrance for me to contribute in our family's necessities. I am also stressed out because of the fact that I can go out and do the usual things I do like hanging out with my friends. There were times that I will sneak outside for an hour when my parents are at work just to get some air. I feel suffocated if I was not able to step out of the house for a day. Also, I realized that online class was not efficient for me unlike in face-to-face classes because the stress was ten times more. This was the first time in my 16 years as a student to see school works as compliance rather than learning.

The anxiety that I earned from this pandemic and online class was just mind and heart breaking. I battled it alone, and every night I cry just to let out all this painful emotions.

But, one day I realized that I can feel better.

Acceptance. I accepted the situation, that I can't do anything about the pandemic and the online class.

Productivity. I started to make productive things everyday such as baking cookies, working out, and watching anime series. I distracted myself from the negative thoughts by doing these.

Positivity. I listen to music that would lift up my mood, read articles for self-improvement, and studied different languages. I keep telling myself that these trials we're encountering will end soon.

Ask for help. Your family, friends, and loved ones could help you battle your anxiety and stress. Please talk to the person that you can trust and you can lean on. Professionals in this field should be also open for consideration. You are not alone. We are all here for you, just reach us out and we'll be there.

The most important thing is:

IT'S ALL IN THE MIND. I want you to realize that whatever you are feeling right now could be a reaction of something, but I assure you that it's all in your mind. Yes, you might feel sad right now but you can move on and choose to be happy instead because you want to. This outlook in life would help you big time if you will just help yourself to look on the brighter side of everything.

Will you be the person to stay in the dark? Or will you be the person who will create light in darkness?

Please choose to be the light in the darkness. The first one is not even an option. This is the sign to look on the other side of the coin.

I hope that I helped you in some way. Life is good, so please make the most out of it.

Share your experiences in the comments and how you overcome it. Let us help each other fight anxiety.

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3 years ago
