Racism: Does it lead to solution? Part-2

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3 years ago

They were about to enter the room, but Mr. Bill didn't have any chance to leave the room. He was searching for a place he could hide into....

Mr. Stone welcomed the guests to the room. They saw a highly decorated table with Indian foods and they looked delicious. But there was no sign of Mr. Bill's presence. He requested everyone to help themselves and leave the papers and file behind and enjoy their lunch.

They cheered and started eating. It was mentionable that the investors and the manager liked the food and surprised how delicious they could be. The manager exclaimed with happiness the foods were crazy and it was really wonderful. He greeted Mr. Stone and complimented that he knew what people need. Mr. Stone smiled and said that he had got it.

They sat for the main course and this time the manager felt something wrong. He felt bad pain in his stomach. He begged excuses and rushed to the washroom saying that he didn't feel so good. Mr. Stone was also astonished. After after a while the investors do the same behavior like the manager. They also felt severe pain and left.

Mr. Stone was exhausted and felt that something was wrong. This time he heard someone smiling under the table. He removed the cloth and saw there was Mr. Bill with the medicine bottle. He was laughing because his job was done successful and he was sure the director would be fired soon as the investor would never sign any contract facing this unpleasant things.

It was the following morning and Mr. Bill just went to his office. He was surprised because the office was decorated, no one was doing any tasks. In fact, everyone was enjoying because it was a party.

He couldn't understand anything and so asked one of his colleagues what exactly they were celebrating. He exclaimed that was for the deal. The boss signed Lyndon the previous day. He felt something wrong and said, "Yesterday?". He again said that he had seen the investors just literally ran away and because they were poisoned.

His colleague replied that it was an epic story. He continued that they had singed the contract before getting poisoned. Mr. Bill just couldn't believe this. That time everyone clapped as their hero entered into the room. It was none but Mr. Stone! Everyone was happy except Mr. Bill because he was the only person who was surprised.

Mr. Stone thanked everyone. He said to them that they guys were a great team and thanked to their hard work. The office had secured a one-year contract for a record investment! Everyone felt more happiness and he congratulated them. And that was not the only piece of information he had to share with them. He said that they guys must have heard some rumors about a wave of layoffs.

Then he took time to see everyone's expression. Mr. Bill was only had complex expression otherwise everyone was seeming curious. He continued that the contract allowed the office to refuse to a layoff any employees of their brunch. Everyone was over the moon with the news. Mr. Stone again said that they were in that boat together and together they would lead it to victory.

He said in that short time that he had spent there, he was convinced that every single one of them was a professional. Mr. Bill didn't said anything and his expression changed and felt scared. Mr. Stone continued that it was his honor to work with such talented team. He again thanked everyone and left.

He was in his room and was checking some papers. That time Mr. Bill came to him and gave him a paper. He addressed Mr. Stone as sir for the first time and said that he had brought the paper for him. It was Mr. Bill's resign paper. Seeing that, Mr. Stone smiled and asked if he was serious. He asked again if he though Mr. Stone couldn't have fired him on his first day. Mr. Bill didn't said anything because he was feeling ashamed of his deeds.

Mr. Stone asked him to have a seat. He said that he had thought maybe he wanted to get rid of him after what he had done. Mr. Stone also admitted that Mr. Bill had done a stupid thing and acted like a coward. He said that when he was a kid he had a book called Serpent Raji.

It was a story of green serpent named Raji. Everyone in the forest used to make fun of Raji because there were only yellow snakes in the forest and not a single green one. The green serpent responded to its abusers, but instead of justice only hatred grew in them. Soon, a hunt for green snakes was started in the forest. Everyone started to hate the green snake. And that's where the story only began.

After that, everyone in the forest started to hate all the yellow snakes with green eyes as well. And this went on until all of them were taken out indiscriminately. Mr. Stone told Mr. Walker to remember that hate always breeds more hate. And that was why he didn't fired him. He again told Mr. Walker that he was a racist and he hated Mr. Stone because of race.

Mr. Stone said that if he had fired Mr. Bill in the first day, he would have carried this hatred out into the world. He told him to understand that hatred is destructive and he said that was why he didn't want him to leave the company. He requested him to understand that all people are equal and he couldn't treat people differently because of color of their skin.

Mr. Bill listened to him carefully and could get his fault. He felt sorry and said that he was stupid. Mr. Stone also forgave him and said that he thought it was time to get smart and end to racism for good.! He forwarded his hand for shaking and that time Mr. Bill didn't hesitated. He also forwarded his hands.

And there the racism ended.

Read the first part of the story: Racism: Does it lead to solution Part-1

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3 years ago
