Racism: does it lead to solution? Part-1

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3 years ago

An Indian migrant was using the ATM machine that morning. That time he was beaten from his back and addressed him as creep. That Indian couldn't understood anything and turned back. He saw a white American there and said he was sorry. He added that he was no done using the machine yet and then he again turned to use the ATM.

The white said that it had been fifteen minutes he had been using. The Indian turned to him and said boldly that he was wrong. The white got angry and asked if he was wrong. He went in front of the Indian and asked him in which country that ATM was. He didn't wait for the answer and said, "In my country, am I right?" He again said, "With the money of my country in the ATM, am I right?"

The Indian simply said yes and he said him then what made him think that the Indians had the same rights as he did. Then he took away the ATM card from the Indian's hand and he asked him to give back his card. He said that it was non sense. He wanted to get back his card and he touched the white.

The white got angry and forbade him to touch him. He suggested him to go back to his country. He said that because of clowns like the Indian, they normal white guys couldn't make living. The Indian just kept looking at him with his surprised eyes. He again said that for the migrants, the white normal people couldn't feed their families.

The white got furious and asked him if he knew what the white do to the Indian people a couple of years ago. He replied himself that they put them in jail to rot and so he suggested him to take his little magic Kasmir carpet and fly away out of his country. He asked the Indian if he had heard him that he should fly away. He then pulled him to the ground with his strength, threw away the ATM card and stood in front of the ATM.

After this he went to his office. He along with his fellow workers were working. Suddenly the manager, Mr. Edward came to the room and asked everyone to come forward. He was looking so good. When everyone came forward, that white man still sat on his desk.

However, Mr. Edward announced that he had great news to share with them. He said that yesterday their head office appointed the new director of the branch. So, he would like to introduce to them the best marketing expert he knew and multiple winner of all international business awards, and, of course, their new colleague and new head of the branch, Mr. Upandhay.

To his utter surprises, the white man, Mr. Bill Walker saw that their new director was that Indian. The new director said that he was very glad to hear such kind words in his address. He said that he was very pleased to be part of their team. He also said that his name was Chandrakant. In his culture, it meant moonstone and so for ease of communication, he let everyone to call him Mr. Stone.

Then he said that he realized that some of them might dislike the difference in the Indian cultures. Mr. Walker stopped working and looked at him. Mr. Stone continued that it was okay and he promised to make that office a safe and comfortable place to work and socialize. He was sure that they would cope with all the difficulties. He remembered the words of great Gandhi to fellow workers "Be the change you wish to see in this world." Mr. Walker just looked at him but didn't say anything but was furious inside.

The next day, Mr. Stone called Mr. Walker in his room. He was waiting and watching over the papers. When he came, he welcomed him and stopped working. He offered Mr. Bill a seat but he said that he wanted to say...

Mr. Stone asked him if he hadn't said enough already. He requested him to listen to him that time. And he again offered him a seat. But Mr. Bill said that he would remain stood and so Mr. Stone also stood up and said that it was alright because that was his right.

Then he started said that Mr. Bill knew that they had a conflict the previous morning and unfortunately, as they continue to work, they would have disagreements. But he said that he urged Mr. Bill to take the path of peace and try to change the way they communicate. He cleared that he meant NO RACISM at work. He continued saying that if Mr. Bill want to continue to work together, there is one golden rule that he needed him to memorize by heart. And that was all humans are equal.

But Mr. Bill hardly heard it and still acted like a racist. He laughed at this so called words according to his thought. Mr. Stone wanted to handshake but Mr. Bill didn't approach. He asked the director if that was is and could he go then. He smiled and said that he was free to go.

Mr. Bill turned around to go and this time the manager Mr. Edward came to the director. This time Mr. Bill handshaked with the manager because he was white also wished him a good day. Then he left the room and went to the outside window from where he could know what was happening in the inside.

He saw Mr. Edward asked the director about the workplace and if everything was alright. He also asked if he was liking everything. The director replied that the office was spacious, cozy and he liked it. The manager became happy and said that he was glad to hear that. He repeated it. Then he said that half of the job was done and all the director needed to do was to pick his team.

This time Mr. Bill felt curious because he wanted to know if he was in the team or not. The manager said that it was the reason he came to him. The director said that he was listening to him. And Mr. Edward continued. He said that they expected a big budget loss coming, then for them this meant a huge number of layoffs. He told the director that they had hired a big team, but what they didn't have was a good leader as Mr. Stone was.

So, He told him to trim the team as his first task. To make it short, all the subordinates are inside together in a folder and Mr. Edward gave it to the director. He told him to fire the extra people he didn't want. Mr. Bill was almost serious that he must would be fired.

This time the director turned to the window and noticed Mr. Bill was standing near the window. He smiled at him and came to the window. And closed it. Mr. Bill was so furious then and couldn't accept this. And so he waited to take revenge.

It was lunch time and the manager was still in the director room. Mr. Bill got tensed and asked one of his colleagues what was going on in the directors room. He told him that not only the manager but also the investors were having a meeting in the room. It was so tiring of hearing good things about the Indian for Mr. Bill. He exclaimed himself it was a great circus. Then he said, "Okay, Ghandi, let's play a real white game."

He took it as a challenge on who fired who. He opened his drawer and found a bottle of medicines. This was for the treatment of constipation. He went in the dining room where the investors would have lunch. He did everything secretly. The table was set with beautiful Indian foods. He poured the medicine in the everyone's meal except the director's. He was almost done with his job and this time he heard someone's talking in the stairs.

It was the new directors'. He told the investors that before they went into that dining room, he had a confession to make. Mr. Bill listened the director saying that he had the courage to prepare a surprise for them and so he just suggested them to leave work things behind and dive right into the Indian Culture.

They were about to enter the room, but Mr. Bill didn't have any chance to leave the room. He was searching for a place he could hide into....

to be continued......

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3 years ago
