Love or family?

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Life, Story, Love

Kira met Michael when she was still very young. They walked miles after miles by talking and laughing. They went to parks and holidays to spend together. To Kira he was down-to-earth and fun. She often had to tell him to stop saying because she couldn't keep laughing.

He was totally different from the people she was usually around. To be mentioned here she was from a rich and wealthy family. But Michael was opposite to it. The only thing she had was his good manner and attitude towards life. Her parents were rich and classic but they only see the high society.

When Kira brought Michael to meet with her mom, she didn't like him. As soon as she could know about his financial condition, he went against their relationship. She said to Kira that he was not a match for her. Kira couldn't look at Michael's face because he was so shocked. But she spoke out and said that it was up to her who she should be with.

But her mom wouldn't give in and made her choose either the family or him that very night. She didn't dependent for her own choice and insister her to chose the family. She said to her daughter that she could forget about her inheritance is she chose him. Kira thought overnight and her heart was breaking.

She wanted to stay with Michael, but she could not let her family down too. The next morning while eating, she told her mom about this. She said that she was so glad that she had made the right decision. She became sad forever from that day.

It passed days after days. And like this too many years were spent. She had been married a few times in those years because her parents could not find the perfect match those times. Finally her last marriage was saved but she didn't think she was happy though she still lived in luxury. Her gloomy face was never been happy for at least a time.

One afternoon, the caretaker of her husband's house knocked at her door. She opened it and he said to her, "Are you alone tonight, Miss O'Neil?" She replied with her no smile face that she was. She also told him that he was the only loyal man in the house.

Kira had a daughter with her second husband. After lots of gloomy days, she finally smiled at the baby. Her life revolved around her daughter. She played, sang and done everything for her. And she didn't even notice how fast she grew up. She started school and then admitted in college. But to Kira she was still her baby doll.

However, one day sad Kira was sitting in her living room. That time her daughter, Anna brought her boyfriend to their place. She told her mom that she wanted her to meet Kevin. She was shocked as her daughter had also chose someone from a poor family.

There was a family party in their house and Anna invited Kevin. It turned out that he was very nice, but he didn't have any high society manner whatsoever. Kira's husband announced that he had bought his second yacht that day and said to everyone that they could congratulated him. Kevin told him that he had bought his first tie that day and it didn't sound like much but he could congratulate him too.

Kira's husband also smiled at him. But Kira was bit disappointed. She knew that he and her daughter were worlds apart but she didn't understand it. She hugged him and said that she loved him. Kira could see that happiness she felt once, inside her daughter.

Soon Kevin proposed to Anna. Kira didn't know what to do because she didn't want to hurt her daughter and also didn't want Kevin in her daughter's life. So she thought meeting his parents would help Anna realize who she was settling for. He told Kevin that they were going to see his parents the next day.

But it turned out that Kevin's father was Michael. At their first sight, they could recognize each other. One person also could recognize Kira; Michael's wife. She became so sad and could not sit on the table longer. The atmosphere was very tense and his wife left saying that she could not do it.

Michael and Kira kept silent all the time but the two children could not understand this. However, Michael and Kira decided to meet one-on-one. They walked miles after miles like before. He told her that he never saw it coming as of all the girls his son chose her daughter. She said that she had nothing to say but good taste ran in his family.

Then he asked her why she left back then. He added that she didn't even say goodbye. Kira was so upset thinking about that time. She replied that she could not say it. Michael said that if it was for her mom. Kira's heart were breaking for her decision back then.

They continued meeting with each other. Michael and she knew that their feelings for each other never went away. But he was married and she was too with one very influential man. She told Michael that she thought they had missed their chance to be happy.

However, when Kira's mom could understand that her grandchild was going to marry a poor guy, she became so angry. She didn't change and Kira did. She was not that little girl anymore. Kira's mom told Kira and Anna that she was not going to marry that poor guy.

Anna began to cry but Kira told her mom that it was none of her business. She continued saying that she had ruined her life and if it was not that enough for her. Her mom became shocked but Kira could not ruin her daughter's life too.

Maybe she didn't fight hard enough for her happiness, but she couldn't let her daughter lose hers. And that's why finally Anna and Kevin were having their vows. Kira and Michael stood near and saw everything. That time Michael told her that it could have been us. She became sad and replied that yeah, it could have been them...

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Life, Story, Love


I am glad that Kira accepted Kelvin to marry her daughter Anna. She couldn't repeat the same mistake her mom made by refusing her marriage with Michael the one she loved

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, she thought about love not the society. She knew the pain of being alone. So, didn't want her daughter to repent like her.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh alright. She did well then

$ 0.00
3 years ago