If It's Your Time, It's Your Time.

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3 years ago

Today, I attended two orientations of my college school via Facebook live. While listening to the professors orient us about the things that we will be facing for the next months, I read the comment section. Most of the comments are complaints from students who are still not able to activate their account on the school website.

It's a big struggle. Hundreds, or maybe thousands of them are stressed out by this issue, and I could feel their anxiety increasing each day as start of classes gets closer and their account is still not accessible.

One thing is for sure. College life is not a walk in the park. But the pandemic made it even more challenging. I can't help but think...

What if nobody ate that bat soup?

World would be just like before. No health protocols required. No hospitals and vaccines shortages. No millions of people dying around the world.

But then I believe in the saying - Everything happens for a reason.

Perhaps pandemic happens because we need to realize the importance of creating memories with our loved ones, to enjoy and be grateful to the Lord of the things we have. Maybe because the world needs to replenish. Or simply, we need to learn the importance of being hygienic.

Whatever the reason may be, if I were asked to turn back the time and given the chance to warn the world about the danger of eating a bat soup, I wouldn't.

I learned a lot of lessons. And I met strangers whom I never thought would be a big part of my life in a strange way. I am sure it is not only me who got a lot of realizations because of the pandemic. It's God's choice still.

If it's your time, it's your time.

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