When I feel that at some point in my life I'm not giving myself credit, and when I feel like crap, those feelings I have when I'm down,sad and bored and I dont like the negative emotions I might be experiencing, I do not always pretend that it's an unsolved mystery. I stop telling my self or pretending that I cant deal with it.
At certain stages in my life I have made many drastic decisions on how I react to myself, I neglected self care, I neglected finding inner peace, I neglected my health and the people around me.
There are times when I wrestle with my thoughts in so many nights and days, meanwhile its something that could have been solved if I had given myself the best remedies and solutions. I have learnt that those feelings comes in three specific places;
1. From Fatigue and Tiredness
Many factors are considered like times where I couldn't sleep well, I didnt eat well, I didnt manage my physical body well enough so it always catch up with me and my body is depleted and feels like crap when I should have rested, I needed recovery meanwhile I should have listened to the signs from the onset.
My body kept on saying I need a break here either from my lack of sleep or my caffeine habits. The first thing I have grown to understand is to start taking better care of my physical body.
I knew that the more I did that the less likely it feels bad over and over again. Sometimes it happens due to the effects of poor sleep, or not eating well, tired and nostalgic in my body management.
Often times school work load can be over bearing, to balance work and school at the same time is always exhausting, I had little hours of rest to myself. So now what I do is cut down my working hours to have as much rest as I can have and so far it's been working.
2. My Reactions
Everytime I feel a bad mood or feel some negative range of thoughts, I say to my self "What exactly am I reacting to right now?" Maybe somebody was rude to me this morning or somebody gave a bad comment or maybe it was a reaction to the email I got or maybe I had a bad lecture or maybe it's that negative thought I had at he start of the day or the way my parent reacted to me and still freaking out about it.
This feeling is actually coming from a reaction, because usilually when I feel this way I'm reacting to something but reacting to it unconsciously which I'm not often aware of it, not in tune with what is really happening, but secretly at the back of my mind something happened that really got me upset and still tracking on that.
So in always look at it in the context of "Am I reacting to something that was triggered for me?":Am I reacting to something because someone said something?" Am I reacting to something because I'm embarrassed?" Am I reacting because I did the things I shouldn't have done?"
Sometime it could be overwhelming creating a reaction from a place of stress, reacting to it by getting intense, reacting to it with anger. I ask my self "why do all of this things happen to me?" then i get mad at myself.
Reaction often comes from sadness no doubt about that, sometimes something could have happened two to three days ago but you seem so busy it's just processing now in your mind then the moment you finally breath you always feel like crap or feel weird inside.
Beware of you actions towards your reactions, because you can do a hundred things right but it takes only one thoughtless reactive action to destroy it all.
We must attempt to enter into a state of Non-judgemetal level and be more unconditional in our capacity to be more loving, tolerant and forgiven to ourselves and to the people around us.
3. Intuition
It always happens to me that when I get upset about something and i just can't get off it, I just keep thinking over and over again on that same issue, ruminating on a negative circumstance, or result, or interactions I had and i just choose to ponder on that countless times without thinking of the need to interrupt that pattern.
"How do I come out of it when it seems to be choking me?" The feeling dosent just stop, I felt I was caged all the time.
"What did I do to overcome?"
1. Change of location
Anytime am all in that mood or feel that life sucks, I just take a walk i mean miles, eat the best food out there, buy the reigning clothing, just change my location and movement. Sometimes I just watch my netflix movies although it takes me hours to feel completely good.
This has been my breaking point out of whatever mind struggles I faced and it has proved effective for me. I work out schedule of where to visit to keep me excited, when I place my mind that way I domt see any reason to kill my self based on a slight misunderstanding or misstatement.
1. I disengaged from my previous thoughts
This just requires to find that thing I need to fill myself up again, to feel in charge again. I try to separate what has been negative for months or years and get more attached to things that will profit me.
Dis-engaging from ravishing thoughts that will destroy my life was what I did and my life has changed ever since.
3. Music
You all should know I cant live without it, it keeps me distracted from myself thoughts. I would say it resets me back to right thinking. I feel distracted from what has been a challenge for me. Immediately I played my gospel jam I just get lost in there.
4. I shared with friends my Vulnerabilities
I met with friends and hungout, watched movies to fall back on track. I learnt meeting with people and sharing my negative moments to listen to their take on it, so it will help me in my reactions, because the more you build positive friends around you, you learn more often from them and how to handle situations.
5 I Redirected my Heart In Prayerful Meditation
This just became a proper solution for me, I read a few scriptures to motivate me and became more prayerful and believed the fact that the more praying I do and I move closer to God he helps me all the time.
From philippians 4:6 NIV
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Most people knows what reactions has helped them overcome, some are still trying to figure that out, it is not too late to be the better you, to take good care of your health, to restructure you quality thinking habits. As you do so you find joy each day.
In Conclusion to this;
It may take sometime to adjust, but consider all that have been written and find what helps you. Dont let worrying and complaining be a regular thing. You can also meet good counselors to guide you.
Thanks to @HappyBoy and also my new sponsor @QueenRay I am really grateful for your support. And also to everyone for the upvotes and supports and for always reading.
JUNE 28 2021
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If you change your lifestyle for someone who doesn’t like you, notice you, may start to notice you but that does not mean he started falling in love with you.
The best thing was what you are is the best version of you. The great thing was you can check people’s intentions about you.
So take it positive don’t try to change for someone, change to grow yourself.