History of Fuerza Sta. Isabel In Taytay Palawan (Kuta) Part III

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In 1667 the historic Fuerza de Sta. Isabel or the Fort Sta. Isabel served as a military base for the authorities.

But with the desire of the Muslims to restore their former kingdom, over time their attacks continued, accompanied by the desire of the Chinese pirates to control the route for trade was decided by the Spaniards leader to strengthen the fort that was once made of wood. By the year 1738 the stronger structures of coral and limestone had been completed as the main defenses against the attacking mule aboard their colorful boat.

In the fortress, the fortress can be seen above and below are the cuerpo de guardia (guard house), vivienda del cargo (captain's office), which has been made into a chapel, almagazen de vivires (food supply storage), almagazen del polvora (gun powder), cozenas del castellano y soldades (dining by Spanish soldiers), and aljibe (cistern).

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