Money? or Happiness?

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2 years ago

Can we get rid of the phrase "money doesn't buy happiness"? When people who do not have money receive money, they are often happier. "Money does not KEEP happiness," we should state instead. Because what if we have enough of money but are still unhappy? Only then will we understand that money might provide happiness, but it isn't happiness in and of itself.

Someone says something good about the relationship between money and happiness. Anyone who thinks it doesn't bring happiness, they either give all their money to me ( because I know how to appreciate things like this) or they can donate all of it to those who need it. Happiness comes from within yes certain things contribute to your happiness but even the poorest of people are happier than a millionaire. We make our own happiness in life, not money or expensive things just us, our mindset and the people around us! Stay happy everyone and god bless! This revelation came years before scholars, scientists, and economists published a data-backed study on the relationship between money and happiness.

So where did the belief that "money can’t buy happiness" all start?

The debate began in 1974, when Richard Easterlin, a famous professor of economics at the University of Southern California, claimed that pleasure and money had no link. Since then, a series of research studies have shown that Easterlin was wrong.

Not only do your sense of well-being and life satisfaction increase as your money improves, but so do your happiness assessments. The chart below was created by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, and it summarizes nearly four decades of global statistics from 1972 to 2010.

According to findings, money predicts happiness. Of course, it’s not a guarantee of happiness, but it’s a clear indicator of the chances of it showing up.

Do Rich people actually feels happier?

According to the United Nations studies  World Happiness Surve or, which is published in 2015, throughout the world, income is the #1 predictor of happiness, and the more you make, the happier you become.

While no single study has definitively resolved the debate, the majority of recent research leads us to believe that wealthier individuals are happier, and poorer individuals experience higher happiness as they rise out of poverty.

My Conclusion

Besides all that, based on my understandings, happiness and money may coexist with each but not at all times. Yes, money can sometimes gives you happiness but for me there were sometimes things can get complicated. Because money can be a hidden danger to people as the were sometimes one of the root of evil in this world. It can frustrates people, depress people and sometimes murder people in not literally way. Many people fought for glory, many fought for honor, many fought for power, many fought for money but no many fought for happiness. As I conclude everything, many people fought for one of the basic thing which is desire or pleasure. And money can gives those things to us. In the studies where they say that rich people tend to be more happier with money but one thing is that they are greedy for pleasure and desire that money can brings. You see, money can only give people benefits in material form which complements our desires and pleasure but happiness can only be achieve in spiritual and mental form. So I beg to disagree, because I realize happiness is different from pleasures and desires.


Lead image source - credits to @ study published in 2015

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Written by
2 years ago


Indeed, money can makes people happy but we should also know the limit of using this thing. In some cases, money cannot guarantee someone's happiness but it can at least ease the pain of the someone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some Knowledge i want to sharw with you guyz about this article

" Money or Happiness "

Which is better money or happiness? People actually are happier when they make more money: Wharton study. Conventional wisdom suggests that “money can't buy you happiness.” And well-known research from 2010 had shown that people tend to feel happier the more money they make only up until a point of about $75,000 a year.

Can you be happy without money? Many people think that happiness requires money. Money definitely helps, but it really is not a pre-requisite for happiness. ... The belief that money can buy happiness and that you cannot be happy without money usually comes from mom and dad.

Can money actually buy happiness? Using over a million real-time reports from a large U.S. sample group, a recent study found that happiness increases linearly with reported income (logarithmic), and continues to rise beyond the $80,000/year mark.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Money can make you happy because you can buy things that make you happy but, money CAN'T KEEP happiness. We may be happy for a short time but after that, we would realize that money can't hold the happiness we want much longer.

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2 years ago