Money lessons that you should know.

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Avatar for KhufraS
3 years ago

We should have learned things when we were young. These are the lessons that we must learn right away in life so that we do not have difficulty now or have problems especially when it comes to money.


This is one of the lessons in money that you will eventually realize that it is very important to save money, especially in unexpected times like what is happening today.

I also believe that it does not depend on the size of your income or salary, instead it depends on how much money you earn. Save it and this is how you invest your money and increase it. Save and invest is what you should be doing.

Don't spend money on worthless things. The other things you buy are the ones that bury you. Often the cheap things you buy that you do not need and at the end of the month you also spend a lot on these coins. So just live a simple life and save all the money you can save right now and make an emergency fund for the time you need because you have the resources.

Save 6 months to 1 year worth of your expenses and that is what you do emergency fund and as mentioned earlier your money, you invest in things that will help you to add more what you know or you invest or invest in things that will make your money grow.

So save first before spending. Don't make it a habit to spend first and then save the rest of your money. You should immediately deposit in your savings before you spend. Pay yourself first.


This is another lesson you should be doing especially since you are one of the groups of people who have an income or a job. Because many of us who once had money can happen literally literally holding money because it doesn't even last a few weeks. Just one Saturday off, bought luxury clothes, new shoes and more. There is nothing wrong with rewarding yourself but also think about whether you can really afford to change your lifestyle.

It is said that living within your means, means you just spend or just live on what you earn. Don't overdo it so it happens to you that you don't save anything and you don't have any money left that you used to use to grow it. Because even if your income increases or if you earn for the first time, do not suddenly change your lifestyle. If you are enough for cheap dishes, cheap clothes and if you are used to saving, do not change that unless you can really afford it.

So you do not feel your promotion because the increase in your income coincides with your expenses. It is better if your income increases, you will also increase your savings or you will increase your income. So you will notice the other rich who are still poor, have no new clothes, no new gadgets because that is really the right way.


This is the lesson of money that when you do not know it is definitely your problem right now. Especially in our time now that it is very easy to buy things because of the internet. Just one click Add to cart, just one click pay now.

There are so many people who carry what is trending on social media that when they see something popular they buy it even when they do not need it.They are the people who rush to buy or the so-called impulse buyers. What to think, what to see, what to hear, they buy immediately because of the fear of missing out that they are not in if they do not have this thing because it is already worn by their favorite artist or used by most friends of them or of people.

There are also people who get comfortable immediately because of what is called emotional buying. These are the people who can no longer make intelligent decisions because the emotion is more dominant as if the emotion is carried away by the emotions so it is convenient. So, do not really go shopping if you are not in the right condition of yourself you might be sad, you are going through something, those things because you will definitely be able to buy things that are not in your plan or in your budget so it is very important to be self-disciplined and not buy things right away. Learn to always practice delayed gratification. It's easy to waste your money. It is also better to practice the 30 days rule if you buy something in a hurry so that you can spend the 30 Days before you choose it.


This is the lesson in money that will help you to know your expenses and to reduce or eliminate your spending that you do not really need. If you do it too because you will know where your money goes, is it just going out or is the money coming in, maybe because you don't notice. If you don't track your money, you are wasting a lot of money on your vices or your addictions that have not really contributed anything in your life.

Now that you have tracked and you know where you are spending your money, you need to find a way to reduce and eliminate it permanently so that you can save more money and use it more properly. You can still use it in your business, in your investments and so on.

Just imagine how much money you can save, so if you see that your money is not just going out and even if you save more you will not really be able to save. Now is the right way to increase your income. Increase the money that comes to you and reduce your expenses that are of no benefit.

It is easy to track money, you can download apps in the Play Store or the App Store of money tracking applications for free. You can also list them all in a notebook.


In life, this is what you really should prioritize and that is buying assets. If you are not familiar with assets, these are the things that weigh you down. Such as investments, businesses and other types of income. This is because people really make mistakes, their priority becomes the luxuries, the things that make them look rich but in reality they are not like that.

Items that are bought are purely out of money or so-called liabilities. Things that do not help you to make money as mentioned earlier, if you just tracked your money you will know if it is only for assets or always for liabilities. If you see that it is full of liabilities, this is probably the time for you to work your way up and have assets that will help you make money and eventually get rich.

So many are not uplifting in life because they do not realize the power of assets and this is one of the ways for you to get out of trouble forever.

Now, all those lessons are ignored if you just listen and then come out with your ears. You need to do that too and not just do it for a day, a week or a month. This should be done on a consistent basis. Every single day that is done until it becomes your habit and it becomes normal for you to do that.

Remember, it is not possible to do just one day of diligence, do it every day.

$ 0.04
$ 0.04 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for KhufraS
3 years ago


I knew people who done all things right with money but when the time came to enjoy fruits of their work they died and never had opportunity to enjoy anything.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

First of all, I just want to tell you that I didn't put your comments on spam, sorry about that. I think that's the bug of this system. Anyways, that's truee. They have money but they they are not happy.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I noticed my comments go under the fold on other articles. If they get liked then it goes above fold. I pretty much hate this because it gives an impression that authors spam report their commentators, quite unpleasant to explain.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's truee. Lot of users experiencing this . We hope that the system fix this soon.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I can say that these advices are very good for all people. In these unpredictable times and a lot of turbulence on different markets, money and wealth have a special role. To save our budget we need to consider many factors, as you mention and keep it up with them some period and see results at the end of that period.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes. We all need this lesson to save our money. In case of emergency. But anyways, thank you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago