Six Personalities of Women.....

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2 years ago

hello guys I hope all of you are doing well. 

I always clean my bookshelf after a month or two. Today, when I took out the books, my psychology register was in them. When I opened it, I went to my classroom for a while, where our teacher was teaching us about female, I have decided to share it with you.

Today I share with you the six personalities of women. these are ALPHA female, BETA female, DELTA female, GAMA female, OMEGA female, and SIGMA female.


They are very confident, they are very powerful, and they are smart and ATTRACTIVE. No matter how much people criticize them, they never think negatively. They never doubt their talents and guts. they can handle any difficult situation bravely. They become the soul of the place where they go. Become flourishing. That's why people like them. People judge them a lot because it is the rule of our society to judge every strong, successful, and courageous person. But they do not respond to their judgment and go ahead after giving their personality glance. they never hesitate to say anything, no matter what the men in front of it. They are a combination of kind hearts and strong.


They lack self-confidence and are very self-doubted about selves. they can never make their decision in their own life if they dare to do so they can not stand for their decisions. They never get into arguments because they don't like arguments or maybe they think they can't do it themselves. They go to great lengths to do things that no one else can do, but they do not get the attention they deserve. They know very well how to communicate in society, yet they often do their own loss to please others.  They hide their feelings for the happiness of others. They are so kind and loyal than everyone makes them their friend. Because of this feature, they are considered ideal friends. They do not consider themselves attractive but people always admire them. They make sacrifices in every relationship yet their value is ignored.


They are quite introvert . They are people who do not like such gatherings. They like to be in their shell. They are very shy and enjoy their loneliness. They don't want popularity. The biggest thing in life for them is peace. They all talk about being very humble, no matter how angry the person in front is. They are so peaceful that even they treat their enemy gently. Haste is not a word in their life. They are always considered lazy but their nature is relaxed.


It's not as dominating as Alpha Female, but their knowledge makes them all unique. They impress people with their knowledge. they are goal-oriented. They love to share their knowledge but it does not allow anyone to waste their time. they are health conscious. They are quite spiritual and that is why they prefer cleanliness. Where they don't see their value, they pull themselves out very smartly.


Alpha and Omega are two sides of the same coin. both of these are confident but ALPH is extrovert and OMEGA is introvert. All the girls try to be like Alpha but they want to be as they are. they like to sit alone instead of sitting among people. They are very sensitive. They are sad very quickly and start crying at the top. They are always in their tune. You will never find their room clean and managed.


They get a lot of attention from people. Just like alpha, they got attention but never enjoy it. They also have a different world. they got mysterious is not difficult but impossible to understand them. They are quite dangerous. Because they have a habit of speaking directly to the mouth. They do not do anything backface. No one can win the debate with them, especially when they are angry. if someone hurts them, they will take revenge. They are very proud of themselves. You can never humiliate them. It doesn't take long at all to leave a toxic relationship. they are unique they never follow any trend but they are trend makers. they are extroverts when they are with friends but they behave like introverts when Strangers are around them.

closing thoughts; God made every person different from others. we all have our unique personalities. I think I am the combination of alpha and beta what do you think about yourself must tell me in the comments.

image courtesy to google......

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2 years ago


Good lrki

$ 0.00
2 years ago was worth reading and quite intresting...well I ll ask you where you think I will lie?? Which one??? 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are the alpha one. Strong,attractive,confident.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That was worth reading. I don't have exact answer to tell you, in which category do I lie. Haha because I've experienced all these phases except the sigma one . It was quite long journey when I took the u turn from being shy, introvert to bold, confident and extrovert.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice to read you i turn....hahahah....but it was the positive one so it is good to take positive turn in your life.....

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Interesting and knowledgeable to read actually in my life I have met all these kinds but when its turn to ask myself in which category do I lie? I really don't know the answer, l'll find its answer Inshallah, Thanks for sharing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Find it soon....hahahaha and share it with us.....thank you for your valuable time

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank God I am able to read this my love is an Alpha female

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank my more article i hope you will like it.....happy to see new one in my comments

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have wife but i don't know about it. This article helps me a lot to know about woman.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yup you should have to know about your wife...hehehe this is how you can take with every situation....after reading her personality....hahahah....kiding....thank you soo much for appreciation......

$ 0.00
2 years ago