Let's Have a Chit-Chat

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2 years ago

I am so mentally exhausted today because I just finished some of my lessons and answered some of my activities in different subjects especially Calculus and Discrete Mathematics. That's why for today's article, I will just answer random questions that I got from Pinterest. I know that some may find this too common but that's fine with me as long as I can able to maintain my writing goal for this month. You know I already have two absences this April and as much as possible I don't want to add this day to that category. Well, I think I am talking too much let's now proceed to the questions that I got.

What is Love to you?

For me, love is something that is unexplainable and indescribable. It can't be touch because it's not tangible and can't be seen by our naked eye. It is a feeling that we just felt toward a person without a particular reason. I believe that being in love is like having a person who can understand you, a person who can accept your flaws and insecurities, a best friend that can listen to your rants and problems in life, a companion that is willing to accompany and support you with your decisions, an adviser that gives you advice whenever you have something in your mind, a lover that cuddles you every time you need it, and a travel buddy that joins you in every journey of your life. All in all, love is a complete package. Not perfect but can bring you a smile.

Do you like reading books?

Yes! I love reading books! To be honest I love reading Wattpad stories. I became hooked on reading stories when I was in my high school years. If you will ask me who's my favorite author, I will say that it's Cecelib who published the Possessive Series Books and many more 👀 She is a good writer and narrator! My screen name Khairro came from her story. If you are reading her works for sure you already know what I mean. But right now, I stop reading stories since I need to prioritize a lot of things.

Do you miss someone?

I don't miss someone at the moment. Maybe I just miss my old innocent child self. Full of joy and no problems in life, all he is doing is playing, eating, and sleeping.

What can you hear right now?

All I can hear is the sound of the movie playing on our television and the sound of air coming from our electric fan. It's hot, isn't it?

Where do you feel the safest?

I feel safe at our home because I know that my parents are living there as well as my siblings even though sometimes they are too naughty and irritating to handle. I believe that our home is my comfort zone, this is where I grew up and experience a lot of things.

This is it for now, I am feeling tired and drowsy while writing this. Thanks for reading by the way!

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Avatar for Khairro
2 years ago


Same with the sound that I am hearing right now. The sound of the air coming from the electric fan. It's only at number one but the noise it makes is so loud. 😆

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Apakainit kasi kaya nakatutok sa akin AHAHHA

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love reading books as well typically young adult (YA) novels. When covid doesn't existing yet , I used to go to booksale and read books there. Or sometimes when I have an extra budget, I'll buy a secondhand book. Now, I think I have 40+ novels in my shelves. 70% YA novels, 10% horror and thriller novels, 10% grammar and technical writing books, and 10% religious and spiritual books. That's my tour for my little shelves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang damii namann, apakabookworm AHAHAH. Ako kasi onti lang mga physical books ko novel pa yun then bigay lang siya and regalo. Gusto ko sana magkaroon ng physical books display kaso sisikip lang sa bahay kaya more on ebooks ako

$ 0.00
2 years ago