Like something from deep within your heart
Some kind of unlimited feeling known to you alone
You just don't see those who have broken your hearts
Some kind of feeling well known but yet known to you alone
Something that seems to you what no kind of money can ever buy
Cos you have it when you don't have the things that money can ever buy
Buried deep down in you, you know you can still have the things that money can ever buy
So it's something that money can never buy
It seems the only thing you have especially when you gather with friends that have riches
Your only assurance even though your rich friends assures you
Your lifetime insurance because you know contentment is the key
A well known secret but yet know to you alone.
When you talk about Nigerian police officers, it makes me laugh. They are so dirty and uncouth. They mesmerized and corrupt the nation. They do all sorts of illegal things under the aegis of law enforcement agency