Will you get mad if I missed to checked your article?

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Avatar for Kelzy
Written by
2 years ago

We feel sad if we didn't get noticed by the people we loved. We feel that we are not important to them. But what if they have their reason why they haven't check you always.

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Do you sometimes check the stats?

Screenshot from the platform

As of today, we are 74, 321 users here in read.cash, and every day those numbers are growing. Anyways, thanks for the new affiliate feature that gives us extra income whenever our invite new user pushes to write.

Screenshot from the platform

Out of 74,321 user the article that have been published yesterday is 322. I didn't include the update for today because it still not that much but you can check it for yourself.

We have that co-writers that always caught our interest and gives a big impact on us. We tune to every article that they published and it feels so good when they notice your comment even you are one of the thousands of users that checks on their article. It overwhelms us when they also give their time to visit us.

But let's also give attention to those newbies. Seeing a post of a new user on how grateful they are for supporting their article makes me feel proud of them. They are trying their best to catch the interest of other writers to read their articles. They deserve an interaction towards their writings.

I, myself also feel and done this too. I'm still in the process of learning and exploring gives me more knowledge.

I apologize

Patawad, pasaylua, gomenasai, mianhae, sorry, if sometimes I haven't checked your articles. Even I wanted to, we know that we have a lot of priorities every day. Well writing daily here is also one of my priorities, but not on top.

Outside this platform is the real world that we need to face. So please don't be feel sad or bad with me if I missed to check your daily articles huh? :)

My bell wants to explode for the new articles that published, comments, and replies that I received but I always appreciate that. Without those notifications, I'm not here with you. If I have gotten a day that I didn't check yours, don't think that I don't care, it's just that I can't accommodate all those articles. I know you feel this thing too and I hope everyone can understand! :)

Closing Thoughts

Relationships last if we have good communication. Understanding others situation is a way respect too.

Your support really appreciated and I owe you for that.

©Lead Image and edited in canva.com

Thanks for visiting! :)

Let's also catch up here:

Noise Cash: https://noise.cash/u/Kelzy

Twitter: https://twitter.com/itsmekelzi

$ 6.29
$ 6.00 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Ruffa
$ 0.05 from @FarmGirl
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Avatar for Kelzy
Written by
2 years ago


I have a simple rule. I want people to read my articles because they want to. Not because they feel obligated to. There are MANY articles I skip from people I subscribe to, and for a variety of reasons. It's really just a matter of time and spending it wisely. I cannot read every single thing everyone writes. It's just not practical. And I understand that the situation is the same for those who may not have time to read mine.

I don't feel sad about that. In fact, I prefer my readers honesty. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yay! Thanks bro 😊

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Of course not Kelzy, I can't be angry with you because we all have loves outside readcash and sometimes the notification of new articles is overwhelming. I spend ours going through my notification everyday, but I also have other things to do and won't spend the entire day here. It's perfectly understandable even if you don't check some articles

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe. Alright! Let's take it easy hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am happy with what you have written here. We need to give room to check other articles from people aside our subscribers. Though it's good to keep the relationship and communication intact but not visiting them at a particular moment doesn't mean we have neglected them. Most times, by the time we spend our moment visiting the newbies, time would have gone and we would be tired and then we end it up for that day

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Accurate! :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

one of the ways to support our friends is to sponsor them ..eheh don't worry, we truly understand..hehe char

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Busy tayo sa mga bagay bagay bukod dito e. Hehe. Lamat miii :*

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Don't worry :) We all have other commitments :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yey! Di talaga kaya natin mabasa lahat kung 1k plus following natin haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I always try my best but oh, just can't :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No, not at all. We all have our own personal lives outside read.cash. Though interaction is essential, it is not an obligation to check every article posted.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yung iba kasi baka tatampo ganern hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For this reason, no one has the right to be angry with anyone. We all have daily routines. Sometimes we even break out of these routines. Our time is limited. Our interests may be different. You mentioned a good topic. I wish you continued success.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you dear and also to your support ❤️ Meow

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oka na oks lang yan, saka we have our own life outside this platform di naman dapat ee laging present tayo. Ganyan din ako minsan, tamo nga nasa 5k na nga ata notif ko aguy. Sindihan nalang to at sasabog na aguy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahaha lt ka alaga gravity sa sindihan e 😂 sindihan na yan!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bwahahahahaha, sabog na sabog na kasi sa sobrang puno ahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for the support you give to a newbie like me sissy, It has only been three weeks since I made an account and I am glad I was able to meet beautiful souls here like you.😍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Keep it up @yhanne :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago