Good afternoon to us all,
It's me Kelly and this is my debut and first article. I'm a guy that loves discussing about anything Christian-related. Yes, that's who I am. So let's move on!
Our topic says "As Christians must we wear nose mask in church?". This is a very crucial topic today in the world. A lot of people talk about this. Why? They all think that wearing face/Nosemask in the church interferes with our believe in Christ. Why will someone wear it in the Sanctuary of the most high, where healing ought to take place!
During the time that the covid outbroke massively in the world. Alot of us were gripped by fear. So many thought it was the end of the world. I was scared too though. I was really scared. I remember one man shouting and saying "covid-19 patients should be sent to the church for healing and not hospitals". That statement became a debate ground for many that heard him. At first, I became mute for up to five minutes because I tried bringing our sense from what the man said.
But let's ask ourselves, shouldn't the church be a place to be healed? It is right for sick Christians to come to the altar, pray and receive their own healing. The Bible says that "healing are his children bread". And bread is something we eat almost everyday. What does this mean? To me, I think it means that healing should not be a difficult thing for a genuine Christian brother or sister. It's something we should have at our finger tips when we pray to God in Heaven. But let's not deviate totally from our topic. Lool. Yes.. we almost did.
So back to the topic, should we wear Nosemask in church? A holy place? What do you think? I know that you already have something to contribute or say about this. Even by reading only the topic, you have something to say. But read this.. According to the Bible, we were instructed to obey government authorities. Romans 13:1-2 says: "Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow."
I hope we have come across this Bible passage before. If we have not, it's good that we have finally seen it. And yes! As Christians we are obliged to obey the government in all laws except when when it is morally wrong. So having read this, what can you say about the wearing of Nosemask in worship centres such as the church. Hence, Is the wearing of Nosemask morally wrong?
As a christian and a believer of Christ my saviour, I don't think that the wearing of nosemask is morally wrong. Though, that's my opinion, we all have our different views but if it is stated in the Bible that wearing of Nosemask in the church is a morally wrong act, please kindly drop the passage in the comment section.
But if there is no passage that states it, then I'll say or I'll deduce that it isn't a wrong thing to wear Nosemask in the church. So don't feel like you're faithless or you're compromising your faith/belief by putting on nosemasks. Instead, remember that you're following the government authorities or law that was instructed because God demands that we obey them.
God bless you as we pass through this tough period of covid-19. We will all by safe in Jesus name. We shall overcome , we will not be victims of covid-19 death. You're blessed indeed. Go and sin no more. It is well with you. The good Lord will always protect and provide for you.
Yes of course wisdom demands we should.