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Avatar for Kaze
Written by
4 years ago

These days people donn't even understand how it is too lose jobs in this pandemic and they think that it is easy to find another job and people just making excuses if they can't find a job.

What these people lack is sympathy because they haven't experience how to lose jobs and worry how to feed their own family specially if they have little ones to feed.

People should stop only thinking for themselves and think of other people who lose livelihood, if only all the people could drop all the selfishness and help other people it would make the world a better place.

These people think that if they are in their shoes they can do better. Well we can never know what will happen if their in that situation the least we can do is to have sympathy for those who are suffering this dark times.

Have sympathy

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Sympathy and oneness as a human to others is highly needed in this age of emerging covid pandemic. Those who loses their jobs are so sad situation. The government must double he action to help them more...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes that is what we need right now, this pandemic is taking its toll on us

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Indeed sir. The truth

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4 years ago