Hints For Getting A Distinction Score In Any School Test

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3 years ago

A. Days Before The Test

When a teacher says something in class and repeats it, write it down. It will likely be on the test.

Do all practice questions: some may be assigned or in the textbook and the teacher may use them for his/her test.

Prepare for pop quizzes: Read the material (even though you may not want to) for 15 minutes every night - just in case.

Take notes: Focus on concepts, definitions, and formulas that you think will be on the test.

Start studying a few days before a test: Three days is usually sufficient. If you procrastinate until a night before, you probably won't remember the material after the test. If you have leftover time at the end of your study session, review old material so you keep it fresh in your mind for the final exam. A few minutes here and there will greatly reduce the amount of time you have to spend studying at the end of the year when you really want to coast along until summer.

If you have several test scheduled close together, think about the difficulty of the material and proportion your time accordingly. If you spend the same amount of time studying material you already know as more challenging material, your grade in the simpler class will suffer. If you know the material already, studying more isn't going to do much good.

B. A Night Before The Test

Have your test taking materials ready: You're already nervous, so the last thing you want to do is panic if you can't find your pencil or pen. Keep extra ones handy in your backpack. A night before the test, make a study aid with a summary of everything and look it over on your way to school and before class. Fit in all the studying you can.

For many people, it is better to never study the day before a test, because that day is when all the information you know organizes itself in your brain. You may or may not be this type of person; if you are, you should not even think about the test or any related material exactly 24 hours before the test until it starts.

When studying for a larger test/exam, study only for one hour at a time, then take a 10 minutes break. Don't get distracted by games, television, phone calls, etc during the break, as they make it harder to return to what you are learning.

Have a healthy breakfast. Hunger pains and a growling stomach will hurt your chances of getting an A. Statistics have shown that makes do better on tests with a slightly hungry stomach, and the females do better on tests with a slightly full stomach.

Avoid pulling an all-nighter to study for a test. It does not pay off. It's sometimes necessary to stay up late to write essays or complete projects since it's better to be exhausted and get credit for the assignment than to sleep and lose the points that could make a difference between an A an a B, or a B and a C. But remember, if you can't concentrate, you won't do well on a performance based assignment. If you have a test the next day but you need to finish a project, coffee is your best friend, but be warned that once the caffeine wears off, you will probably be even more exhausted than before.

C. During the test

Take deep breaths while you're taking the test. Stay calm and pace yourself. When you're relaxed and when you sit up straight, you can remember things more easily. Also, your brain needs blood to think. Occasional deep breaths will oxygenate your blood more completely.


Do not cheat on the test! You will likely be caught cheating, and you may receive an "F" or a "0" on the test and might face further disciplinary action and it can/will follow you through life. It may also not be the right answer anyway. Always trust what you know. If you are going to study to Ace a test, why copy from a person who didn't necessarily study as hard as you?

In conclusion, believe in yourself and do your best. Wishing you the very best!

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$ 0.29 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
3 years ago


dear friend your writing is very effective bes of luck

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wish I knew these hints when I was in school

$ 0.00
3 years ago