Easy Tips for Emotional Balance

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3 years ago

1. Breathing

Watch your breath throughout the day for signals about your stress level.

2. Practice Gratitude

Pause at regular integrals throughout the day and consciously find something that you are truly grateful for.

3. Change Your Viewpoint

If you're stuck in the middle of intense emotions, you won't see clearly and you will be reacting from past patterns. Act don't react. Consciously choose your actions from a place of clarity, rather than justJust reacting to pain or running toward pleasure. As soon as you notice yourself losing your emotional center, excuse yourself and change your view, literally. Go to theThe bathroom, splash cold water on your face and recast the situation as6 though you are viewing it from 10,0000 feet, so you get some emotional distance and can remain objective.

4. Feel

So much tension and wasted energy is spent repressing or denying how we feel, both emotionally and in our bodies. Instead of pretending to be something that you are not, feel honestly what you are feeling and allow the simple truth of your emotions to set you free.

5. Use Your Senses

Pleasant thoughts through the organs of your five senses orient your field of awareness toward the present moment, through what you see, what you touch, what you smell and taste.

6. Generate Energy

You have to generate energy if you want to have it. Especially if you have a job that requires you to stay seated for long hours, remember to take every chance you get to walk, stretch and move around.

7. Reflect

Take the last moments of your day to reflect on the good things about your day, seeing the negative experiences as learning and evaluate rom the perspective of what you can learn, not how you failed. Take stock of the positive and negative emotions you experienced throughout the day. Validate yourself for progress made towards your emotional, physical or career goals.

8. Surrender

While it can be great to goals and visualize the future don't let yourself get too caught up in how things "should" be. Be prepared to let go of your attachments to any particular outcome so that you can be open to something bigger than you have ever imagined.

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Written by
3 years ago
