Don't bask in accolades of people.

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Do not be so carried away by the people celebrating your gifting that you forget to look at your height. For some of us we are talented but then there are areas we are still short, instead of realising areas we are short on, we bask in the accolades of people.

Zaccheus was one man who understood this, despite his social standing in the midst of those with heights he was short, so he decided to climb a tree.

There is a tree for you to climb to get a clearer view of your life and destiny but that won't happen until you admit the areas in your life you're short on. Not until Zaccheus climbed was he able to get the attention of Jesus.

I hope as people celebrate God's grace upon your life, you go back and ask him the areas you're short on and the tree you need to climb. It could be the tree of humility, the tree of knowledge on your calling, it could be the tree of kindness, the tree of focus, the tree of patience etc.

Ask him and begin climbing, the attention your calling needs to attract that will announce you might not come until you climb beyond where you are at the moment. God will not give us some crtain things until he is sure we are ready for it, the process of climbing gets us in readiness for what God has in store for us. Keep climbing and don't ever be carried away by the praises you fail to truly consider your height.



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$ 0.05 from @TheRandomRewarder
