A Marriage Definition

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3 years ago

There are so many other elements that could be mentioned about making a marriage work. Let me sumit up with a definition of marriage that I’ve developed over the years. It states what a marriage is, what it can be, and what it takes for it to be all you want it to be:

“A Christian marriage is a total commitment of two people to the person of Jesus Christ and to one another. It is a commitment in which there is no holding back of anything. Marriage is a pledge of mutual fidelity in all areas. It is a partnership of mutualsubordination and servanthood.”

A Christian marriage is similar to a solvent, a freeing up of the man and woman to be themselves and become all that God intends for themto become. Marriage is a refining process God will use to develop us into the men or women He wants us to become.

Is marriage stillsomething you want? If so, it may take more than you realize. Keep this last thought in mind: True success is never an easy achievement. Happy and fulfilling marriages are products of extreme effort.

They are desired, sought after, fought for, and planned. They never just happen. Couples frequently complain to me how theirmarriage just fell apart. All of a sudden they just fell out of love…just lost interest in a husband…just fell in love with another person or career. If experience has taught me anything, it is this: Nothing just happens…whether good or bad.

Healthy marriages follow a road…a road that is planned. You do not have to plan to fail. That can be accomplished without planning…and usually is. But you DO have to plan to succeed.

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