Two sides of an individual

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Avatar for Kate_bakerq126556
1 year ago

Most of our lives contain all sorts of impulses and potential behaviours, but our parents, society and religion reinforce some and discourage others. While it is good for us to learn certain behaviours in the process of growing up, the act of encouraging some and discourage the other creates within us all what psychology calls the SHADOW.

Regardless of the fact that our shadow are discourage, everyone is born with it. Every individual has a shadow(what some people called monster side) and angelic side, these two parts make you Essence.

Their is no one sided individual just like their is no one sided coin(is always two side). Within some people this personality don't exist simply because they have denied it expression but they live within us. These shadow side of us is always hiding away not form others but from our own self.

Sometimes, we are aware of our shadow side, and out of our fear of being propelled into acting in a ways that's we will regret, we consciously work at pushing down and controlling our unacceptable urges while sometimes, we are unaware of it.

The part you portray in your daily life,in your everyday decision,In what you do,defines you, define if you are a bad person or a good person. Only by owning our shadow we gain control over it, most especially when we are aware of it. You don't control it by suppressing it, but by respecting it, finding a constructive outlets for it, and sitting limits.

We become at peace and emerge with our shadow by conceding that there are parts of ourselves that we abhor, despise or deny; by acknowledging those parts, no matter how horrific they are, by seeing that we are still ourselves.

You may want to argue with me but is fine

Let me ask you a question, When people do bad things to you like really hurt you,what come to your mind?..

To me two thought.

One of them tells you to do good things,give you good advice and that's the angelic side talking. While,the other tell you to do bad and evil things, that's is the shadow (monster in you) talking. The decision you made, make you what you are.

If you ask me every side is important in some cases. Most times you need the good side to be a better person, to make a different,to make a change in the society because if everybody is bad, we are going to produce a bad society.

In the other hand you need the bad side when necessary for example self defense, even the Bible say '' get angry but sin not ''. You have to be at peace with both side not to go mental nut.

I don't really believe in going with one side (the shadow or the angelic side).To me both sides are important. Use your two sides wisely and when necessary...

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Avatar for Kate_bakerq126556
1 year ago


People can reach balance with both side . Is their decision and willingness to do so. Most times, I learn to have a balance with my both side..

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1 year ago

Would you say people can reach a balance with both sides or is it a constant struggle? Will like to know where you are personally, balanced or constantly struggling with both sides?

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1 year ago