Make Their Own Fertilizer :

          Researchers have discovered a new ability in trees that have been chopped down. Somehow, the remaining stump draws nitrogen from the air and fertilizes the area around itself with this powerful nutrient for plants. Tropical forest trees are apparently quite good at this. After being logged, they also capture carbon from the atmosphere which allows them a better chance at recovery. Nor are the trees stingy. The nutrients are released into the immediate area which allows nearby plant life to also benefit from the captured plant food. This ability to draw nitrogen from the air is something trees can switch on or off depending on the plant’s needs, but only certain species can do it. During the early stages of forest regrowth, the difference in recovery between those that can and those that can’t is markedly different. Tree species that lack this ability put on carbon weight up to nine times slower than their nutrient-fishing cousins.
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@Karthika08 posted 3 years ago
