Simón Leviev: The Tinder Swindler.

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Avatar for Karikari
2 years ago
Topics: Series, Netflix, Tinder

A lot of dating apps, are a perfect place to take advantage of our vulnerability, people trust, and tend to open up to others because they think they are trustworthy people.

Everyone is talking about Simon, I get on the networks and I see his face everywhere. He became famous at the cost of scamming people. I finally got to see her these days, and really there are people with problems, they create a fake life to cosillas of others, just to show off and appear what they don't have, I guess this guy has to suffer from some kind of mental problem, narcissism, bipolar, Mito mania, or some more.

A lot of people criticize the girls who got into debt for him, as if it was their fault for being swindled. Really only those who live in an abusive relationship could understand how difficult it is to see beyond, you want to believe in that person, that out of love he would never do something like that, although deep down you know that something is wrong.

The hardest thing is to wake up, and get out of there, they are very skilled people, looking for noble, empathetic and kind people, very easy to manipulate, if you have good intentions you will think that this is how others act, there is no room for distrust when it is a friend or boyfriend who asks you for help of any kind.

Undoubtedly, the most terrible thing is that people like this abound, they are among us, seeming successful, kind and good people, and they live like parasites emotionally and economically swindling others. The worst thing is that sometimes they don't even end up that bad, they always get the perfect victim.

Have you guys seen it, have you been through or seen an abusive relationship?

Photos taken from instagram

#Netflix #Tinder #TheTinderSwindler

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Avatar for Karikari
2 years ago
Topics: Series, Netflix, Tinder
