If I have myself cloned

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1 year ago

Hello beautiful people!

Hope you're having the best of the week there? It's been fine with me.

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If I have my self cloned...

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For the some years now, I've been addicted to cloning of apps on my phone to make some basic moves easier for me and I really enjoy those tricks, especially the apps that generate money🤗. Currently, I have three cloning Apps on my phone🤭.

Now, imagine having myself being cloned...yey! I'd lay my hands on many things. Check out the list of things I'd do;

✨Utilise the week with massive engagement in all the various Platforms I belong to

Maybe you don't know, cloning means duplicating. If I have the chance to duplicate myself with the same standard, I'd give my other part to generate a good engagement on all my blogging Platforms like Hive, NoiseApp and Here.

One of the reasons for my greatest challenge in all these platforms has been LACK OF TIME, so this clone will provide me with the opportunity to solve this problem.

Just imagine if my real self is handling my work in the real world while my clone would be here writing, commenting & replying comments, reading & upvoting, it'll make sense💯.
Also with this cloned me, I'll make sure I use the brain to write down thousands of articles to be published in times to come.

Hold on, isn't cloned supposed to be more like artificial person with a more intelligent brain? Lol🤣. With my cloned self, I won't bother with thoughts of what to write or how to join a task on Hive, the artificial me will handle that with ease.

✨Easy handling of work in the real world

I don't have much work in my real world but if I have myself cloned, my real self would sleep all through to cover up for the days I deprived myself of sleep, while my clone would be the one doing things for me, such as cooking, washing, ironing clothes, going out to charge my phone😁.

✨Go and woo that lady

Since clone is a duplicate of myself but more of temporal or letme say artificial, with this effect I'll go and woo that lady that I've been crushing on but my real self lacks humor to match up.

Since my duplicate won't feel embarrassed or hurt whatsoever the result would be, I'll send my clone to do the first approach and my real self will pick it up from there with whatsoever the outcome.

Let me tell you, I'm shy when it comes to ladies, so that will be a work over with the help of my cloned self.

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But what if the plan doesn't turn out well? Like, the lady refuses my cloned self?... let's leave this for the earth to swallow🤣.

✨Go to heaven or hell

I know you're wondering on this, but chill🤸.

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Since we are on assumption basis and let's say this duplicate has life and can die a natural death as well, and perhaps has a spirit like the real human. How about I decide to terminate the clone and send the spirit to go and bring findings about the spirit world, weather there's really an existence of heaven or hell and also check if ghosts are really in existence🤔🤔.


I just allowed my imagination to have its way this morning🧘.


Thanks for reading

13th October 2022

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Written by
1 year ago


That would be great so I can do a lot of things. Have you seen the movie What Happened to Monday? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOiWSWLt-NA

The movie just reminds me of that.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I have always wished that I have the power to make clones, especially because of the amount of things I do in a day. If I can just have one clone, I will just put that one in charge of blogging (readcash and hive) while I focus on other things 😁

$ 0.00
1 year ago

how wild your imagination is! I love that part where the clone would do all the things for you. he will be like a personal assistant yet you have to be careful about wooing that girl. he might say something or listen to something and you'll get asked later. mmm that'll gonna be a big fight or lose her even

$ 0.00
1 year ago