Today's world will have you believe that we are so knowledgeable in most ways that all we can really do is complain about things until they get resolved or something better comes along. This is very common in middle income and low income living. Not to go off on people's income but I've been in all types of households not that you haven't been there but some people don't know what being poor is or maybe what being rich is. More than that, most of those who think they know what being poor or being rich is don't know that it's lost all lost in definition.
I had a thought come to me earlier today about change. To be the change that you seek in the world. Which can be especially hard to notice that to truly not be a hypocrite, one probably has to be a hypocrite quiet a few times before actually embodying their philosophy. This comes to past only because we are what we think of. Our thoughts become our words our words become our actions, our actions become our habits then our habits become our destiny. Imagine being fearful or giving in to what people say or do, that it all started with a thought. Imagine not being where you want to be, that's how it starts. You don't have to imagine things you don't want to happen or become. Don't let nobody tell you what you can or cannot do.
In my previous article I touched on the why... That' it's important to ask why? We are here living like we do because of theany why's people asked, after which they decided to improve the why or come up with a better answer even a whole new why. Now they didn't go through that many why's for us to be brainwashed game over- No! We always win, never lose.... The illusion of loss is gains, lessons. If we are willing to not let ourselves be conditioned or programmed into something we do not want to be then we are a step closer to creating the world we want and envision.
I have been reflecting on myself and analysing how I do things and who has the influence on those things and why I do things a certain way. From a bird's view. What I found was astonishing, whenever I was not alone most of my actions are inspired or reflected off of the surrounding. Wether i choose to eat, what to eat, wether I listen to my thoughts about critics going on in my head or not, it has come to my attention that I give myself permission to be me. Whichever me I bring out that day, I am fully responsible for my own actions like the times I would complain simply cos I was surrounded by people who like complaining or people who would actually give space and time for complaining. This one in particular got to me that I didn't even notice how I quickly change these roles like it's nothing. A deep reflection was needed for me to realize that I needed to be the change that I complain about. I thought about it a lot but not the problem, the solution but more than the solution, I embodied it. I made myself my own case study,it was by far the worst thing I went through but the most rewarding. This has brought out the realest me I know, I started shifting things around, moved a lot. So much that I lost most of my staff, but since your thoughts become your words and your words become your action and your action become your reality I chose to see a different light. Actually I just chose to see the light, eat better whenever I can, since there wasn't much to wear I just clean up and wear what I got. I started feeling real good, lost a few more staff and j felt better it was like some sort of decluttering. Through this process of moving around a lot and losing my staff, there were times I found myself living like I got noone. This has brought me great realization, certain things started coming alive in my mind, such as the recognition of the rockbottom level. Even then I saw that I have a choice, I still believed that there was nothing that could get me down or hold me down except myself but one more thing was for sure I had to be the change I wanted to see in the world, I can't be expecting this change from people.
I started learning new skills and trying out different staff. Some of which I had done many times before and gave up on, I decided that I'd give it another shot. The reason for this was because I saw, I observed in my reflection that when I stopped, it wasn't for me but for my discouragement. But when I was doing it, it was for so many others, hundreds. A simple video or article posted on WhatsApp or a comment on YouTube or an article that possibly brought back tokens to life, I saw that I could not stop certain things just because I feel I'm too grown or that I need a real job or anything in that line. When you hit rockbottom you do not care if you get a job or not all you do is keep thinking of who, why, when and how you are there and how to get from there to where you'd like to be. The mind map is too simple. The road work is excruciating, I've never been in such positions before where all I wanted to do was quit. Like pink sing " it feels like I'm surrounded by clowns and liers" that's when I knew I had to change, to be the change that I want to see in the world.
I want more freedom? I have to be that image, more soulfully whole hearted free spirited vibing? I have to work my way there, self sufficient green kind of living ? I have to get there. But first I found that nothing is more important than that I feel good. So I instinctively allowed myself to follow my happy thoughts and they lead me to a bunch of things that make me feel really good. Like knowing that I am limitlessness, that time is relative, I am not on any schedule rather time is on my schedule. With these two I was able to conquer a lot of fears and get some of my mojo back by being the change is like to see. Its a blessing.
We can wait on politics to come through but its most likely that they will take forever to implement anything. So for now I do what I can do about it, inspire others to be the change they seek.
Change being the only constant, it shouldn't be so hard to adopt and actually adopt changes that will see us through.
I am satisfied with my care!
Love and light!
Bless up!
It is good to think positive and surround ourselves with people with good thoughts, otherwise we and they hurt ourselves and we immerse ourselves more in everything we complain about.