The NutCrushers

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3 years ago
Topics: COVID, Travel, Ideas, Growth, Opinion, ...

A little wish from my arsenal towards your prosperity in the games of 2021. [It's gets deeper]

Growth - Challenging your beliefs

This one is my power word, people have whole new year resolutions, I decided to pick a word and that word is growth for me. In this context growth is breaking through the mould that all our experiences have made us to be up until now. All the years going through 2020 all the way to your birth date have impacted you in some way shape and form to make you who you are today. The concept of new year new you will only work with growth and some other implementations. The focus on growth specifically allows me to block out the noise.

This is sort of like the adaptation to minimalist way of life with an explosive mindset ready to break my current mould into another one over the next 21 days. They say it takes 21 days to make or break habits. I smoked,drank, I have been the life of most of my parties some of which ended up embarrassing me Infront of a lot who I admired. With 2021 I have been handed a beautiful clean slate where I get to walk it like I talk it, I haven't always done this but I found it so soothing to the soul when I talk big talk and follow up with the action. This has brought me some focus to my power word growth during 2019/2020 I had gone through a lot of moments spiraling downwards, it was torture - months on end I'm getting real beatings from the world mercilessly time counted into years and as I kept up my talk I found that I tend to walk my talks and I loved that. I started writing about it, bought 500 sheets of paper (some special person has got them for me and they were all pink lol). So I wrote, with no specific direction I just let my mind flow and growth came to my attention that if I'm going to tame the downwards spiral that I was going through I needed to step out of myself, which I couldn't do at the time because I didn't write enough so I wrote some more, reflected on myself,wrote about my last bits of experiences.

After a while I had a walk around, my talk got me in a position where I was displaced from my sheets of paper amongst other things of mine. At that moment with only the mind to play with I saw something magical right before me, something shot out of the sky - huge it was. At the time I thought it was a shooting star later found that it was just a mere fallen satellite. For a week or two this event has really marked my steps as I though I was divinely directed, when I found that even the divine doesn't always walk the talk, I thought I need to get back to my growing. Got up again, with the little access I had I tried to get InTouch with people but in the pandemic scam everyone seem to not want anything to do with walks they only seem to want to talk. That's cool, I took my walks of my talks, with the self growth pressure I know it all too well that growth is inevitable. Every single jiffy is marked with creation or distraction going on at the most microscopic level of our being, vibrations always changing and evolving into better stronger faster if we let them. In this watered down society we live in all we want is luxury to be more relaxed, this blows my growth out of the water and I need my growth so I went on water fasts. I found that I don't need to fast at all, fasting is for different people not my lane kind of people. Why? Fasting sort of does little to the stomach contents, in our growth positions we thin out cos of the stomach contents. We find it not fitting that we walk around with these stomach contents looking for spaces within ourselves away from the oppression of all kinds. As we walked our talks over the years we found that most remedies do not walk because we had the fast mindset, that's keeping the problem with us as we go far and wide, the mind is crossing all sorts of borders and breaking limits but all that's needed is sleep and the sandmen will readjust the positionings of everything, we wake up to an afterburn image of the sandman laughing and we saw that only with growth did we manage to actually keep alive by facing our fears head on Γ nd discovering that fasting is for very different people. What our growth talk will keep us on top of our growth game is putting our numbers where everything is at in consistent frequencies to acquire the needed growth. So that's the summary of the growth mould through which I will grow out of over the course of 2021. It will be the most beautiful growth the world has ever seen.

Love - UnConventional/unConditional

This, my name, me, the make up of all that there is. The power of power, above all is love! We find love to be very deep and mysterious, love never leaves us, not for any moment in time love always has our back. Through all our tears love is there urging us to grow, grow. It is said that next to every blade of grass is an angel leaning over saying to the blade of grass " grow,grow", ever since I found this out love has had even more chance to ponder at my doubt asking me if a blade of grass has angels what of me, an actual God in the flash? Love asks for my humility to grow,my nature of a nurturer to grow out of my limiting self into my loving selves and grow out again because with trust and respect in ourselves and the surroundings we found that the biggest of all unconditionals is love.

Love stays in all our walks, all our trash talks, through the nothingness love is there with us as we walk the desert. When we wake up next to the river filled with crocodiles and all kinds of creatures, we find that love kept us safe. As the world around us beat on us making us softer by the minute in attempt to tame us, we have but one assurance and that assurance is from love by love to us, love! That she has us for she has known us all through our lifetimes. She has observed our kind of energy and she will not let us lay to waste nor will she let us be anything less than the growth and progress we need to be. We talk too much, love had us reflect on almost every word that we spitted and own up to it, every insult, curse and nutcrusher, love had us look deep into every heartbreaker and saw that it's all filled with love. Every bit of it is made out of love, even hate? Yes hate and everything less than positive is love under pressure, from which beautiful tomorrows grow, much like us being out there waking up on top of the mountain where we slept on stones and rocks that are home to some of the deadliest creatures only to realise that love kept us safe, love directed all our moves and love will lead us out of this mould that we are actively growing out of. Love assures us that with the much needed focus on growth we have now leveled up like we need to inorder to outgrow this mould ( this ever changing mould that morphs to keep us within itself to keep us,although it is love too, love has a different story setup for us.)

Love promises to keep us growing in and out of these moulds as the worlds around us keep morphing and changing to fit the current situation. Pandemic scams amongst other have strengthen us by revealing themselves as truths hidden in plain sight,in the duality of being. Love assures us that the stars have us, even with the weather manipulations to cover up the moonlights and starlight, our paths stay updated, the stars stay lit and love guides our way. We, being made of all that is love laid it all down in the name of love. We gave it all up for love, this love that carried us into ourselves to discover that we got it, by giving it up we gain it all. So much beauty is love, she is there to joke with us when we forget to breath, she easily reminds us of the mission lessons we have set out on this lifetime and space.

We shouldn't get it twisted, love is savage, love is a beast and the only way she slows down is because through these deep waters, to stay afloat love needs us to be level headed, ready to adapt to any change of mindset as the world gets even better from our offerings. Love reminds us that we do not only live in this time and space, we feed this time and space by feeding everything we go though, as we get better the world gets better, there is no growth without growth love reminds us. In order to change, we must change. This is the other side of love that is oranging πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜….

Through the pain and tears, the no feeling nights when logic fails we have but love on our side to keep us on the path that she has brought us forth for on our last mission. The extra, quite unnecessary one, we could be doing everything else but love begs to differ. Love has us through all. So to love we devote ourselves UnConventionally.

Peace - Self understanding

Whereas there is no enemy within, the enemy without can do no harm. Although we are all that there is, as we seek balance we tend to view ourselves as the image that we do not wish to be, thereby recognising ourselves as the opposite of the peace that we seek. In attempt to overcome this illusion of disharmony we are lead to disturb ourselves in order to find that we are one with the part of ourselves that we recognise as not-peace, making peace with all of us thereby finding harmony and peace in all that we are which is all that there is.

Creativity - Calm mind in a chaotic world

A calm mind in a chaotic world, cool under pressure it is referred to most often is a skill that is mastered before the coming of age. This type of skill will have us obedient to misleading instructions inspired by societal doctrines all while partially or completely aware of the fact that we are being had. The calm mind will seek not to panic but to flow, in recognition that there is no truth to fear or the rush of the moment to get whatever done. As the pressures collect certain vibrations within us, we tend to be drawn to expressions of letting these vibrations loose, out into the world of the metaphysical by whatever means we can get our hands on or mouths or whatever parts of us that this vibration seem to have inspired in the way we do not quite understand. To have a glimpse of what this uncontainable majesticness, we need to disembody this vibration and ease it out of us into the canvas of life as it chooses to be expressed or as we see fit to express it forth.

The whole world has become what we made of this vibrations expression we came to call creativity. From the moulding of the pyramids, the Eiffel tower to the Burj Al Arab, it's all expressions of creative energies that the calm mind chooses to keep until it's ready to conceive.

In contrary to world believes , this is not creatives juices, this is being, this is the mind! That which makes the creative juice. Before the creative juices becomes the creative the process goes through the whole being, the residue, waste of this is a collective of potent vibrations that form the creative juices. Very shy of the true majesticness of the real creativity that engrains the being itself to bring such creative juices, this waste is love too.

We love our creativity.

Productivity - Depth of focus

With all the love in growth of our creative selves we use the gift of love that is focus amongst others to bring forth productivity.

Productivity is a very sweet climax of energies that's just so beautiful and far from pure, it's dirty like a flirtatious act with reality behind the mask, masking the illusions of life into that which becomes the product.

The depth of focus that comes to be defined as productivity brings out the greatest version of ourselves. We are pure greatness, we set our own tune to dance to, by growth in tune with our dreams,goals and visions. Productivity is just something else, it's that truth that cannot be tamed, it's that spark that comes alive when everything is watered down. When they are busy thinking, talking about demises and downfalls, we stay focused. When your inner circle is not feeding you possibilities but feeding possibilities off of you then productivity is tempered with, meaning that one of us is compromised which also means that the hail Mary part of us needs to come through, this is the gift of love called focus. As Possibilities are fed from you, love as nature finds ways to feed you possibilities before they could be fed off and keep the momentum so that even as the possibilities are fed off of you,you maintain composure this is what the gift of love, focus transmutate into - productivity.

In our physical world, we have evolved deeper into decentralisation and the deep web amongst other unchartered territories that only a very few of the current 8 billion people dare to explore. Less than 10% of the world's population is even aware of decentralisation, for the few who know about decentralisation know that it's the best nutcrusher there is.

This article is longer than things I know of, find more like this, including the deeper expressions into productivity on my page.

Supreme love and light!

Bless up!

Thank you, much gratitude to all the sponsors πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜πŸ˜

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Avatar for KJPR007
3 years ago
Topics: COVID, Travel, Ideas, Growth, Opinion, ...


Good to know all these

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Thank you so much. I get to free my mind on these platforms and I just love it and thank God for it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the upvoteπŸ₯°πŸ₯°

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3 years ago