My life

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3 years ago
Topics: Blog, Writing
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Hello friends my name is Justin John well i used Justy21 as my user name because Justy is my nickname and i am 21 years old i live in accra ghana with my family , we are ten in number including my mom and dad and i am the second son of my family and the sixth child.

Trust me when i say it is not easy to be a second son because i have a lot of responsibilities in my family, yes when i say responsibilities i mean responsibilies like i have had to combine a lot of hardwork with my studies and family money issues ,i have had to do alot of odd jobs for people to get paid.

Trust me it is very challenging to combine education with work especially when you have a passion for education.

I am a science student who loves physics i usually bring out five hours to study my physics text books every day because i want to be an automobile engineer in the future , i also have computer engineering as a talent because when it comes to computer i can fix minor and some major damages just by observing the problem of the computer.

Well going into computer software i developed my ability to understand how software bugs behaves by paying a lot of attention to my first Mobile phone a nokia phone , trust me when i say that engaging myself in fixing anything technology has put an inner joy and happiness in my life i love fixing damaged technologies even if it fails to work i give it my best until something postive happens.

I know am from a poor family but i know with my talent i believe i will make it big in the world

Thanks for taking time to read my short article please subscribe and give me a thumbs up and have a nice day.

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3 years ago
Topics: Blog, Writing


Thanks for sharing your article

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