Searching Path of Undecided

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2 years ago

Follow your dreams, follow your passion, follow your heart, follow your footsteps and finish what you started. What encouragement words to step up into college life or something new. Every word is pushing someone to reach their dream in life. Some who are driven will surely be more productive and courage will maneuver them to the perfect destination. Hearing those words or phrases makes my heart cry that sadness summons my human being. Word per word, phrase per phrase broke my heart into pieces for realizing how unsure my future will be. Mind without plans and a heart without direction is the great nightmare I had.

Month of April where classes have to end, my heart filled with excitement for stepping into a new journey which could be college life. Going to different campuses to acquire requirements when everything is going soft, confusion appears by deciding what path could be taken. Stare the form looking around and thinking critically. These are the things I consider before deciding.

Things that Influences Decision-Making

  • Financial Capacities

Evaluate financial status if my parents' work can support the course taken. Entering college is expensive and costly, many expenses will encounter an addition to those unexpected contributions. Parents' income is very important because it is the one who sustains the daily needs for the family and schooling. I met a different person who wants to enter college but sadly financial capacity is not enough  that hinders them to go beyond. Some may do a part time job and acquire many scholarship programs to avail for the sake of achieving dreams. Luckily, the school where I enrolled offered a scholarship based on the final average grade and I was granted a full scholarship for the first semester ( needed to maintain the grade and average).

  • Passion Awareness

Choose where your heart wants to go. I was sitting in a chair imagining myself 5 years from now through it being able to help to determine the passion to work. Seconds after second, and even minutes have been but there I still couldn't imagine or figure out myself. Entering and trying is my guide to explore my strength and passion. Yes, I failed but it didn't stop me because I have a strong determination.

  • Peer Influence

This time as I looked around and saw my friends asking questions on what course they took and they had the same. I saw a small hope but also fear was visible. Having a thought of "it will be fun if I am with them and I will never be alone" pushed me to take the same course without thinking what's ahead of it. I chose what majority of the course they took because my mind clouded having fun around them and I let them decide what my future could be. Thinking of working with them in the same company excites me. Later on, I realized that I was too scared being left behind and the word independent.

  • Self Capacity

Assets and strengths to survive the course taken are needed when undecided like me. Think thousand times the capacities you have before to take an action of taking a course. When you can do it then go without limiting yourself but if you cannot do it try harder. In my situation, I have this attitude to explore and nurture new things and I have to adopt it in the course that I took. No matter  how hard it is, I need to give justice for the sake of my parents' sacrifice. Coping and accepting is the secret ingredient to survive and pass throughout those past years.

Closing Thoughts

Exploring what you can and what you do is not easy, especially a person who is dependent on others and undecided one. I know God has prepared a brighter future for us, we just need to seek our strengths and  make our weaknesses our strength. Whatever path you take, just trust God.

Sending you love and positivity❣️

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2 years ago


The things you have mentioned above also influences my decision in choosing my course back then. However, God had His own plans for me. I never got the chance to be enrolled in the course I want. Of course it's disapointing. However I choose to view things in a positive and full of hope way.

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2 years ago

Trust lang jud ta sa Iyang plano😊😇

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2 years ago