Puppet of Lies

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3 years ago

It is the 20th day of September. A new day and a new week has come. Monday is my lazy day hahaha especially the weather is gloomy and any moment will be rainy but I need to be productive and avoid procrastination because school works are waiting. Here I am publishing ahead of time and will be back if I have free time😊. So much for that and sorry for the introduction. 

What lie is? It is an intentional statement we make. Why I said intentionally co'z  first and foremost we have a choice to tell the truth or to lie toward someone or somebody. We all experienced lying right? Don't be hypocritical by saying "I never lie ever" by telling you that you are already lying, you know😂. Even children commit lies and we lie because we are afraid about the consequences we get if we tell the truth. Let me start with the question, Can lying affect an individual? and how far can it be? a question that is easy to answer but now let me try to dig based on my opinion.

Can lies affect an individual?

Different forms of lying and the common one is white lies. White lies are simple lies to avoid hurting someone's feelings. The more we do white lies piece by piece the trust will be broken. Every relationship we have, family relationship, friendship and even lover trust is a big issue. The enemy of trust is lying. Lying can destroy so many things. The moment lies are caught, it affects someone's life and ruins relationships. Friend of mine has been in a relationship. I could say they will end with each other.  At isang malaking sanaol. But lying tears them apart. According to them the trust is broken and it is so hard to rebuild it again. They tried but when they had a misunderstanding, the lying issue was still brought up. It is just a relationship ruin but also a person. Imagining doubting is not healthy but a partner cannot avoid it because in the back of their mind "What if he/she is lying again?". To answer the question, it is a big yes that lies could really affect someone's life without our prior notice.

How far lies can affect?

It depends how small and deep the lie is. If it is small then small effect will be but take note everything starts the small one if we always feed and do it surely that small lie will turn into big and deep. The more deep lies we keep the more anxious we become to be caught. Like a wanted criminal who is always afraid to be caught. Maybe that is one of the reasons why some lovers or married people decided to be separated. Knowing that the love of your life lies to you in a deep way is a painful moment. But some are too brave to handle big lying issues to their partner. I salute them for their bravery.

How to catch the liar?

According to @CoquiCoin, listen to them carefully and I totally agree with it. We never know someone's lying if we never listen to them attentively. You know, liars have the sweetest words for us to believe in what they say. In  addition, listen to them carefully and question them when they are off guard or enjoy thinking about something. Surely, fishermen catch the fish co'z they will slip if they lie to you if not the answer will still be consistent.

Closing Thought

  • As human as we are we lie either small or big one to save something more valuable but let us not tolerate our small lies.

  • Let us puppet our lies by being aware.

  • As much as possible let us spread honesty.

I want to leave a quote "tell the hurtful truth than pamper with lies' ' and I just want to know your opinions regarding that based on reality and experience. If you're in a relationship how far could you tolerate lies?

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3 years ago


There are lies that are quite acceptable to me, but when it comes to things concerning relationships and both people, say in a marriage, honesty matters even the tiniest thing.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Indeed even my parents even in small things. Honesty makes relationship stronger.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes. When a relationship is clouded with lies, it will be quite difficult

$ 0.00
3 years ago

super, the more lies the ending will be

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Magamay mn o madako nga lies sala ghapon. 😌🥰

$ 0.00
3 years ago

same ra nga sala hahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Some truths are painful, and that is why we choose not to say them. But in relationships, I'm not tolerant of lies.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Lying is a big issue in relationship.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I also lied before and I can't still stop lying sometimes esp. When they ask me if I am okay, But the trutg is I am not 😿

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yes that one, I am lie regarding that. I forget to include in this article coz I cant express you know.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The truth will set you free!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Truth always wins :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago