"When was the last time you laughed the hardest?"
This was one of the rhetorical questions written in my student's poem that enthralled me though I was occupied checking their outputs. I sighed deeply, and answered it with a question though at first it doesn't need to be answered (since it was a rhetorical question in his poem).
"When was that last time?"
I could hardly remember when. The reasons were, I got too engrossed with school works, family and other social responsibilities, above all, my emotional stability was so down after a very "historical break-up" that I almost forgot to give myself even a simple self-break.That rhetorical question pacified the heavy jarring emotions inside me, albeit in the very least.
" When was that last time? "
The same question asked me again. Confidently, I realized it was recently when I had finally understood I became a rainbow in my own and somebody else's clouds. Yes I laughed the hardest again because I was able to use my talents in helping others though it consumed a lot of my time and though it drained me emotionally, physically, financially and mentally.
Bwahahahaaha. I have had given myself and others seven colors that atleast colored our lives.
RED, the color of courage. I was courageous enough to accept challenges in DEPEd and in the community despite the fact that I'm a newbie in the system.
ORANGE, the color that opened my mind to become more openminded to suggestions, criticisms and judgements. Yes! I became stronger to endure detrimental realities inside and outside the system. Moreso, I learned to work and finish tasks without complaining even without just compensation.
YELLOW, the color that allowed me to be more soft-hearted to understand both sides of any situation. Thus, gave enough warm to people I am concern of/with.
GREEN gave me the reason to make a forest of unity despite diversity. I learned to solve problems not only in my own but with the help of knowledgeable others. Through accepting their hearts, I became free from my isolated thoughts.
BLUE helped me became a true-blue soul in gaining the hearts of others. Opening my heart wasn't like a math equation or provisions of the law that I have to memorize or know much of. I am proud that I was able to help people turn into great and productive citizens.
INDIGO gave me a shade of coolness. In a fast-lane life where unpleasant things were inevitable, I learned to cool tensions inside my head, so I became more pleasant and patient in dealing with people and tasks (Working with grace under pressure).
VIOLET reminded me always to humble my heart a little lower than the reality of things, thus, I was able to communicate very well with the people around me. As a result, I started to become happy.
Never thought that this is how truly happy I am despite everything. "When was that last time you laughed the hardest because you're truly happy?"
Well, it was everytime when I happily glided in my own rainbow.