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2 years ago

The city is big and restless.. so is it inhabitants. It’s hard to survive in this world without determination, patience, perseverance and commitment. What can a man do ? How would a woman Survive? How can one keep their head above waters?. It is a hard life only the strong will survive. I present to you today … my dear readers


A typical city like Lagos in Nigeria is the busiest place to live. If you ask the average working class person in Lagos this is how he would explain his everyday life to you.

Now most people do not live on the island( the beautiful part of Lagos). So they mostly have to find their way from the main land to the island where their offices are usually located.

That in itself is a struggle. The traffic is usually heavy that most lagosian wake up as early as 3:30am or 4:00am and still run into traffic. By the time they are done with the traffic getting to the office is usually at 9:00am. Then work resumes and last for at least 8 hours. Which means they close in the office by 5:00 pm then get ready to face the traffic again for another 4 hours and probably get home by 9 or 10 pm. That’s about 18 hours of traveling and working.

Now do that for 5 days in a week it makes it 90 hours of just hustling. *sigh*

Most people in other states in the country usually see Lagosian as slaves to their jobs. Well they are not wrong because truly this feels like slavery but they are not right either because Lagos is a city for hustlers and if you want to survive here you have to do what everyone is doing HUSTLE.

Nigerians are generally industrious people. We are hard-workers we like to put in effort to make sure that whatever we are working on brings forth positive results. Most people would say we are over zealous and maybe that isn’t a good thing but that is how we were brought up.

We are a people who believe in hard-work and that is why Nigerians are mostly very successful in Most path of career they choose. It is a spirit… the spirit of hustling, the spirit that never lets you look back and say that you give up.. the spirit that keeps you awake at night and reminds you that failure is not an option.

We have that constant reminder that we have to do bette, be better and always hope to become the best on day.Nothing is too much and nothing is too small… successful people must work hard for it and make it big one day.. that is the Nigerian spirit that is the spirit of a hustler.

Copyright©2022 jumper

$ 5.35
$ 5.15 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.06 from @King_Gozie
$ 0.05 from @HappyBoy
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2 years ago


I love nigerian people. Knee a few in this community and they are so friendly

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah they are nice people

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have honestly hit a great point and we all have to put in our hustling spirit and they remember that nothing is really too small to add to our hustle

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes oh as far as it is bringing in something

$ 0.00
2 years ago