Focus on self.

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2 years ago

04 Feb 2022

When Surfing social media apps on your soare time or to kill boredom ..Do you ever just come across some random post on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or even tiktok that goes “focus on yourself……”. and then it goes on like “… nobody has your back like you do….” or “stop chasing a person who wouldn’t chase you …” or something like that. Well I like to repost or retweet post like that .. do you know why ? Well I would tell you.

You see post like that helps to enlighten people about how important self-development and self-care is. You see the truth is when you focus on other people or other things there is a 98% chance that you would lose your identity or loose yourself just to keep up with this person you are focused on ..because at that point in time all that you are and all that you have done .. wouldn’t matter anymore, it’s like your own life becomes uninteresting to you.

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You see idolizing a person who doesn’t give back the same energy that you give them is like quick sand… the harder you try to impress them the deeper you fall. It’s like you place them on a pedestal and 90% of the time when they notice you idolize them.. they tend to treat you like a fan it’s like destroying your world just so theirs could could flourish(okay maybe I am exaggerating a little.. hehehe) . All I am saying is the way you present your admiration for them is the way they would rate you and it’s not crime ….Its the normal human behavior… so why not focus all that energy on yourself…

i would share a post from my church WhatsApp singles group below 👇🏻

This was shared on the WhatsApp platform and then they asked people if they enjoyed being single or if they are actually searching. A lot of people said they were searching, waiting for the right person. When I was asked to say something I told them I enjoyed being single. They were shocked as to why I said something like that .. I didn’t want to explain because someone might take my words, turn them up-side down and make it seem like I am bitter or something but here is why I said I am enjoying being single for now.

  1. It gives me more than enough time to find myself. Find what I like, who I really am and what kind of things I want to do. Also I have time to figure out what kind of partner I want in the future and what kind of relationship I would like to be in.

  2. There is time for self development.

    Give a man who just has his head above the water a little, a woman who would love him there is a chance that he might feel too comfortable and pull-back on his target same goes for women. The thing with having a partner is that feel of comfort from the love they shower on you nothing else matters really 😂.

  3. I can do whatever I want whenever I want. I could just decide that I want to travel to an unknown location once I get a clear with my family about my whereabouts i am good for it. There is nobody asking me where I have been all morning or trying to question my movements and all.. freedom to move as I want .. I love it 😂

  4. I love my space. I can’t even lie I love having my space to myself. As much as I would love to share my space with that special person eventually in the future, right now I am enjoying just existing in my space without and external body breathing my air and stuff.😂

  5. For like 75% of the rest of my life it is very likely that I won’t be single seeing that I am a very attractive young man with a promising future 😂😂( don’t mind me). My Point is I have the rest of my life to be coupled-up with someone now is the only time I have to be single .. so why not make the most of it.

So I feel like I have turned this into a relationship advice article well I just wanted to add that we shouldn’t just Chanel this attitude to our romantic relationships alone, friendships too or other plutonic relationships. We should make sure that we are receiving the same energy we give and that we are focused ultimately on our self. So …

Focus on yourself Queen.

Focus on yourself king ….because at the end of the day all you have is you.

🤗❤️🎊🎉🍻🍾🎉🎊👏🎊🎉👏🎊👏🎈Special shout-out to @francis105d1 I am greatly touched by what you have done .. thank you so much my friend.. God bless you.

Thank you all and stay focused



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2 years ago


I recently gave up social media. Since then I started living my life. I rediscovered myself. Your article summed up some of my experiences

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wait social media in total or ?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have no fb account no insta no whatsapp or any other account. is only place where I get to talk to people

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I miss being single sha, some of us don't even know how we found ourselves in a relationship 😂 I totally agree with all you have said here, I always put myself first in whatever circumstance I find myself (be it romantic relationships or friendships). When I notice the other person isn't putting in the same energy as me, then I start matching their energy until the whole thing spoil 😆

$ 0.00
2 years ago

😂😂😂😂 wahala for girl wey do shakara for you …

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A very enlightening post really, the things mentioned by you is really unquestionable- people start focussing on the person they like rather than n themselves and at the end of the day they are torn apart, might be there some exceptional cases, but still people should focus all the energy to them unless they developed themselves majorly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah because we are the most important part of our life

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think that love is not sought, love is found with another love. When two loves cross until that day comes singleness. Therefore, as long as you do not find those two loves, you enjoy life, you grow as a person and you value your personal independence.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I love your comment ma’am .. love is found with love .. wow beautiful thanks for stopping by

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If we don't focus on ourselves, who will?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah who will ?

$ 0.00
2 years ago