My Birthday Plan

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Avatar for JulyAnn
3 years ago

Today is June 1, 2021 and 30 days from now is my special day. Yup! You read it right, my special day... my Birthday!

Why do we celebrate birthdays?

Birthday comes only once a year. A birthday is a time when a person acknowledge his/her birth or the day he/she was born. When we celebrate birthday we are not only celebrating the length of their life, but we also celebrate how much they've grown in the past year.

Reasons why Birthdays are Important to Celebrate

  • Birthday was the Beginning - birth was the beginning of life. God created us to serve a purpose in this world. Birthday is an indication that we still have work to do for the Kingdo kf God. Birthday is a sign that we have yet another chance to fulfill our unique mission.

  • Celebrating is an expression of thanks - birthday is a time to celebrate birth itself. It is an expression to thank God for being born and still being alive. It is an occassion to rethink and reflect our life.

  • Its a chance for a Refresher - birthday is not just the time to think our birth but also a time to think our rebirth. No matter how things went yesterday or last year we always have the capacity to try again. Our birthday is a refresher, a chance to regenerate.

  • Opens a Door to New Mercies - to live another year is an achievement and blessing. It means we have another year worth of blessing. Think how many nights God allows us to sleep and lie down, how many morning He wake us up with brand new mercies.

  • A Chance to Acknowledge our Existence - when we celebrate birthday we acknowledge our existence. No matter what kind family we were born or what our past looks like, we are here to live our lofe to the fullest.

Reference: Why Birthdays Should be Celebrated...

Some of us, ever since a kid or even a months old, their parents are making a lots of effort celebrate the day their child was born.

Source: Google Image

As mentioned above, birthday comes once a year, and it is worth celebrating for. But their are times that birthdays should be celebrated more extra during age of 7 years old, 18 years old for girls and 21 years old for boys.

Significance of 7th Birthday

It is the time where we are starting to have a moral sense of right and wrong. It signify some sort of independence since this is usually the age we grade school. Therefore, it is seen as a great milestone of a child.

Significanse of 18th or 21st Birthday or Debut

Turning 18 officially marks the end of childhood. Now that we are adult, we can now make our own decisions. We comes now with great responsibilities like other adult.

Most of us can't forget their 7th, 18th or 21st Birthday because of its memorable celebration.

Welk in my case, I don't recall having a birthday blast party like most of you experienced. I don't celebrate my 7th and 18th birthday. Reason? We're lack financially. Actually its okay and understand my parents. Every day is a battlefield for them. They are only earning enough money to support our daily necessities. We can't afford to celebrate birthday cause what we have financially is enough for our daily needs.

As a kid before I was hoping for atleast a birthday cake but even that one is impossible to achieve. I remembered during my past birthdays, my mother will company me to church and we will light a candle to thank God for another year. I will make a wish there.

My 18th birthday went passed as a normal day too. Nothing special. My parents told me before my 18th birthday that we will cook spaghetti or pansit. But during my birthday, we faced problem financially. So instead of celebrating it, I told my parents not to be bothered because I have more birthdays to come.

During my 25th birthday, my sister bought me a small red ribbon cake and we just put a candle on it. Even with just a cake I am very happy and felt that my birthday becomes special.

Source: Google Image I don't have the actual cake because I posted it in my day in messenger app.

Now that my birthday is coming, I am planning to save my bch earnings starting today. I want to celebrate it with my family since we are complete here in our humble home. A simple celebration will be fine as long as we are complete.

I still have 30 more days to earn and save. Hope I can save enough money to buy cake and foods that we can eat together.

Thanks for reading!

June 1, 2021

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Avatar for JulyAnn
3 years ago


Birthdays are wonderful moments in our life. A time to think back and be grateful for life. I celebrated my last birthday with my family and a few friends. Happy birthday in advance.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Its enough to celebrate birthdays with your loved ones and some friends. It ia much better than having a birthday blast with fake people. Thank you sir.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Jiji.. same as you..kahirap ng buhay noon at ganun din ginagawa parents nmin qng my magbibirthday sa aming magkakapatid, pray n lng kmi as a family toz qng my alagang manok na pwedeng katayin, un lng sapat na.. hbng lumalaki, naiiintindihan nmin na mas importante ung mga needs nmin araw2..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oo nga po. Hehe kailangan unahin ying mga bagay na importante kesa sa mga luho.

$ 0.00
3 years ago