Digital Artworks

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3 years ago

God gifted us talents equally. Some are good in dancing, singing, writing, photography, arts and etc. Some people say that they are not good in anything, that they are just an ordinary individual without talents. Don't say that, cause everyone has. If you haven't realize your talent is, discover it. Find something you are good at. It doesn't have to be unique and special, as long as you can say that you are good, that's a talent.

As for my case, honestly I am still in the process of discovering it. What are the things that I am good at? What really is my talent?

Recently I've been hook in photography. I published an article Personal Shots of Flowers and some says I have the talent in terms of photography. And awhile ago I posted in noise cash about the cloud formation and I received compliments. (You can visit this

I am very thankful to him and to others who appreciate my efforts in sharing my photography. Those compliments inspired me to pursue and improve.

Any way, this article is not about me, this is about my brother's talent in arts.

He ask me a favor to create an article about his digital arts. I never thought he had that talent until I see it for myself.

Here are some of his digital arts.

Those artworks are inspired in kdramas, anime, and also based on his imagination and creativity. It takes lot of time to create it. He only uses his phone in making it. He also shares his artworks in noise cash (

Believe me or not, even though I am satisfied and contented with whatever my ability is, I still felt envious to people who are very talented, especially in arts. Imagine displaying your artworks in every corner of the house and hearing compliments from people who've seen it. Very satisfying!

I remembered when I was in 3rd grade, I used to draw cartoon characters and I was satisfied with the outcome. My classmates and friends said that my drawings are beautiful and I am happy about it. I dob't know what happened 'cause as I gradually growing up, that talent fades aways like a thin air. I can only draw stick figures.

Well I guess, not everyone are blessed with the same talents, but what's important is that we all have our own talent. We just need to discover and improve it.


If you want to see more of his artwork you can check the link above.

$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @Jeaneth
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Avatar for JulyAnn
3 years ago


Nice one jabs ❤

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you! But those are artworks of my brother. 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago