Catching Up... But Don't Be Rush

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Avatar for JulyAnn
2 years ago
June 29, 2022 | Wednesday


The earth is revolving. Year fast changing. Months quickly ending. Days continuously passing and time never stops ticking. That's how fast things are happening.

If you're one of those individual who isolates themselves even just for a month, week, or day, in the outside world, then you need to double your pace. Because the moment you decides to connect again to the world, you were being left behind. You will continuously asking the people around you about what happened or what's new. You will endlessly think of what happened around you. At that moment, you were being left alone, with too many questions and confusion. You were asking questions, they're answering with incomplete explanation or worse they let you learn and know it on your own.

Who will you blame? It's you who decides to isolate youself.

In some cases, events, time and people are what triggered us to distance ourself. We have our own reasons that no one could blame. What we need is for them to understand us.

I'm one of those people who needs to double the pace to catch what I've missed.

I just noticed that it's been a year (supposedly 2 years) since I joined read cash. Even I, myself, can't imagined the past months. To be honest I am not an active user and I felt sorry for that. As much as I want to be active, I have some priorities I need to do first.

God knows how thankful I am to this site specially to the people who made read cash and to those who continue to support me despite my inactiveness.

We all know that read cash is not that old. The developers of this site are continuously doing their best to improve the site. If you are an old user, you will know what I am saying.

I am in an era where earning money here in read cash depends on the points you've earned through publishing your original article. Commenting in articles also counts as how to earn points. Some user said that the longer your article and comment is, the higher the points you will gained. Comment section became a chat box. You can see the exchange conversation that only started from commenting. Through that, I've met some virtual friends who encourage and support my journey here. And also you can submit article in many communities.

After sometime, read cash announced that their will be some changes about the pointing system. They will removed it and replaced by a robot, and that's how @TheRandomRewarder now exists. The robot will be the responsible in giving tips to every article and distribute the fund. Many users continously writing articles hoping that the robot will visit their article and give them a tip. Although the robot said his criteria on how to receive tip, some users had their complaint on not receiving tips even though they follow the criteria. But that time, all we need is to wait. Wait for your turn.

Upon the removal of the pointing system, interaction between users gradually reduces. Some are leaving comment for the sake of the activity. Some will not read the articles and left short and unrelated comments. It's also the time where spammers are everywhere. And I also think that is the time the users also reduces.

Read cash doesn't stop helping and paying it's users. Not to mention, the funds that start for 13 dollars (not sure) increases because of some generous donors like Sir @MarcDeMesel .

Pretty sure that read cash will continue to improve, dominate and promote Bitcoin Cash to the world.

Changes happened anytime, like what changes happened in read cash. I forgot to mention that the reading time is also one of the added features. Before, we can't tell how long the article was, not until we read it. Now, we can easily tell if it takes a couple of minutes or so in reading an article.

I took a break and left read cash for 3 months? And that's one of the things I need to catch up here, writing an article not less than 3 minutes time. Since I am back, I scroll to Homepage to see what kind of article are mostly published, my attention caught by the reading time. I rarely saw an article with 3 minutes reading time. Some articles have 12 minutes or so. I mean, that long? It's incredible. I barely reach making an article with 5 minutes time, and 12 minutes is an impossible for me. I think if that ever happened, I squeeze my mind all the words and vocabulary I know. I'm sure I am totally drained, my nose and brain is bleeding.

A side from reading time, what caught my attention too is those article about Bitcoin Cash. Many articles are relate about it. I am thinking. Can I ever make an article about what most of users are talking? Like trading and stuff about it. I doubt it. I am not knowledgeable enough about that aspects. I only know little information about Bitcoin Cash. By means of little only the most basic information... it's a cryptocurrency and the value. But like anyone else I am willing to learn. Don't mention an article about it, though.

I've said many times that I am old user of read cash. My friend recommended this site to me. (Thanks again @Sc). If you will noticed the activity of some users, you can tell how long they've been here. (Visit their profile and below their username it shows.) Those users, let me call them "batchmate", are now earning a lot. They are saving their earned money and do trading. They're posting their portfolio and stuff (don't know the terms) and making articles about it. They set their goals on what to do with their earned money, while me, still clueless about trading, etc. My friend @sc also doing it, too. Everytime I saw their post or articles about it, I only do two things, either I am opening it to learn something about it, or not opening it because I felt envious about them.

I sometimes read but don't really get it nor understand it. Don't get me wrong, I understand english, but for me their articles about their trading seems like they used jargon words.

I wanted to ask help and explain it to me but I don't know who to ask. I wanted to ask my friend @Sc but everytime she explains, I don't get it. Explaining in chat/message is a little bit hard for me to understand, I preferred personal and face to face. We often seeing each other so she can't explained it to me personally. At the end, I spent all my earnings.

So many things to catch up, but I will definitely follow, even if it's slowly.

I've invited few users and their asking me on how they can easily earn.

Honestly, I am not quite sure. But one thing is for sure "there is no such thing as easy money". Eventhough read cash gives us money without taking out any penny in our wallet, we still need to work hard and be patience. We need to invest our time.

So those who are new in this site, don't rush and be patience. Remember, hardwork always pays off.





Thanks for reading!

$ 8.25
$ 8.19 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Ruffa
$ 0.03 from @trixdawson
Sponsors of JulyAnn
Avatar for JulyAnn
2 years ago


Same. I have been inactive here for 3 months also but I have caught up to my batchmates, I guess. I can't really forget the point system back then. 😄

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ohoyyy, Pareho kayo ni @Sc di na active here masyado ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kung busy ako, mas pa si sc. Working girl na kasi yun. Hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Magiging active kaba ulit Jabs? Hehe

$ 0.00
User's avatar Yen
2 years ago

Busy pa. Hehe pero try ko parin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago