Acting Like a Pro

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Avatar for JulyAnn
3 years ago

What is it to be called "Professional"? Is that makes you happy? Proud?

Admit it or not, I know for once in your life you acted like a professional, especially when you were a kid. At school or at home you try to imitate jobs or profession that catch your attention. You act like a professional dancer, singer, artist, etc.

I know some of us are now professionals inline with our chosen careers. But I know for sure, even though we are called "professionals" there comes a time that we try to be like others too, right? Like me, but just for fun, I sometimes act like a professional singer. (You're free to laugh) And just past few months when I encouraged and inspired by some writers here in read cash I acted like a professional photographer. (You can laugh again) Talking about angle, enhancement, photo editing and other stuff, like I have really knowledge in photography.

I love seeing beautiful and amazing photos. I am amazed everytime I see it. Some writers here are using DSLR when taking photos while some are just using their phones, and that what makes me amused more. With just their phones they managed to capture a nice and amazing photographs.

Ever since reading articles about photography here in read cash I got my interest in that field. When I go outside, I always took pictures of what I see in the surroundings, trees, plants, flowers, sky, clouds, sunset, etc. Although often times I got embarrassed when people are passing by. But now that I am here now living in the province, I set aside that embarrassment. I don't care about the people seeing me taking pictures and think I am weird. I take pictures as much as I want.

So, last May 16 and 17, I let my alter ego dominate by subconsciousness, a professional photographer.

Last Sunday, I went to enjoy the heat of the summer by going in the beach. (Read my Article: My Summer Escapade After 4 Years.) During that days, I pretended to be a professional Photographer with just using my phone OPPO A5s. I take pictures anywhere and everywhere. I never let go of my phone and take pictures.

Here are some of my photos taken during the trip. (Without editing or enhancement)

While walking in the shore, I saw this unique heart shape stone in fine and smooth sand.

I felt narcissistic about the first photo so I find another stone in the sand, that's when I saw this boat-like stone.

I tried to capturing two things in one shot and this two becomes my subject; Big and Small stone.

I picked shells and put it in a nice area where the sands are flat, clean and without any disturbance.

This is another seashell I picked on the sand.

Know what it is? I saw a bottled water in the shore and make it my subject for my photography.

Trying to be creative again so I put the seashell in the bottled water.

I used my eyeglasses to make something different.

I tried capturing the seashell with my eyeglasses.

Nature is the most beautiful subject in photography. Agree? No words can discribe how beautiful nature is. From trees to mountains, plants and flowers, sky and land, animals, etc., everything is worth capturing.

The night slowly approaching at the beach. I am wondering if I can able to capture the scenery with my phone.

I looked at the sky and saw the moon. The orange sky made by the sunset and the darkness slowly enveloped the entire sky.

Before the sun entirely gone, its rays colored the sky with orange.

The darkness clearly seen in the surrounding as the night falls. The different lights was lighted and it covered the entire resort. As I am watching the lights, it fascinates me so I decided to capture it.

This round light is hanging in the tree.

This light is seen under the plant.

Light on the tree.

Those lights helped to see the entire surroundings of the resort during night time.

This a sand castle that we made. I captured it and the lights in the resort as the background.

The night continue. I fall asleep for 1 or 2 hours and waited for the sunrise, but the sunrise didn't showed up. I looked for this to capture.

This is the morning view. I captured it while sitting in the bench.

The sea is slightly split because its low tide. Its calm that you can't help watching it.

I don't know why the sand looks like this. Some says that its because of the crab that dig in the sand. But still the sand is fine and smooth without any pebbles.

Before leaving the resort, I roamed and looked around again, seeing if I miss something. I saw the different flowers in the surroundings.

My alter ego as a professional photographer is satisfied about the outcome of the photos. Actually I can't help myself looking at the photos in my phone.

Taking photos becomes my hobby now. I know I am not a professional, and acting like one is kinda' fun and enjoyful.

Looking back at how I used to take pictures before, I can say I do now improve somehow. And I know, with continue trying and practicing, I will surely improve and be a PROFESSIONAL.

Thanks for reading!

$ 0.46
$ 0.25 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Ruffa
$ 0.05 from @Jane
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Avatar for JulyAnn
3 years ago


Beautiful gallery of photos you got here... Like a pro talaga!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you po.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sunset photography always amaze me hahaha. I also like your light photography, makes me feel nostalgic hahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha oo. Ganyan din yung na feel ko pagtinitingnan ko.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Naka Oppo a3s ka din ba? Ganyan mandin ako lalo na about photography mga article ko ahahaha. Ung kala moy tunay na photographer na kanda tuwad na sa oag kuha tas maiba din nan ang kuha ung makaka ilang take muna ako, lalo na pasmado ang kamay suskopo ahahaha. Sampung take talaga sa isang subject lamg ahahaha.

Anyway yang sayo pang pro na din ah, basta angle angle lang talaga ano. Ang ganda pating mag picture jan sa inyo lalo na ang gaganda ng view marami ka pwd maging subject sakin limitado lang aguyy haha.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oppo A5s sa'kin. Oo ganyan na ganyan. Tuwad tuwad para sa ikagaganda ng kuha. Madami ngang view dito hindi naman ako pala labas ng bahay.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In fairness.. I like all the photos especially the one with glasses and the flowers

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you. Yung iba nauulit na. Haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Professional is just a word but honestly, the photos you took are like the works of a pro! Great job.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the compliment. It flatters me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago