It's the little things that causes changes.

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2 years ago
Topics: Writing, Diary, Blog, Reflections, Write, ...


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Just like the usual, i was being lazy; just scrolling through social media and watching videos in youtube and twitter and facebook--i was basically app hopping. I was wasting precious time and mobile data just for leisurely activities. It has been going on like this for so long, too long that maybe my guardian angel has gotten tired of seeing my useless routine. And so maybe it is the reason why my youtube algorithm changed.

( The illustration belongs to its rightful owner )

My youtube feed refreshed and showed me a preview of someting aesthetic, like a setup of a destop maybe? And whatever that was, it piqued my attention, woke up my curiousity and made me look up for study vlogs.

The ordinary ones looked kind of boring. They focused more on the aesthetics rather than the studying and other activities that must be the main matter of such videos. So i searched for study vlogs of med students instead.

I watched one. two, three videos. And that's when changes begun. I got inspired to be productive.


You see, in the beginning of the semester, i have this study strategy in mind that i will answer my modules by copying the key answers given at the back of each assignments. Which means, i won't have to rush writing when the date of submission comes--it was a lazy approach. I did that to all my subjects, answered 5 modules in advance. I didn't read the concept notes and just copied answers. I told myself, i will just read them later. Did i read them? No.

( The illustration belongs to its rightful owner )

It was obviously so wrong, because my goal turned from studying into just passing modules for the sake of compliance. It was very wrong, and it didn't help me at all. And so, last November 15, i decided to read all of them, to catch up and make up for my mistake. But, the time before the break comes is not enough time for me to read and actually study the modules. I ended up only reading 2 modules per subject, the way it should be done. And i did those reading the day before the subject will be taught so that i will already have an idea of the topic for that session. And it was a nice decision done.

I continued doing this reading and studying between the lines until the last day of classes, and to me it is very effective. The margins of my appers are filled with notes, my pages highlighted not because i want it to look pretty, but because i wanna know what i have to list on my reviewer. I felt so efficient.

The whole week was tiring, but was very worth it. I am so thankful and happy that i stumbled upon medical vlogs, it made me study hard, and i found virtual study buddies as well.

( The illustration belongs to its rightful owner )


Now, even if i am already on my break, i still choose to spend my day wisely. I make sure that a day won't pass without me doing something to make me a step ahead compared to myself the other day. These days, being active is something that i want to keep in my life; i want to keep the mindset that time is indeed gold. It is something that you cannot take back once you've thrown it away. It is something that should be spent wisely. I want to--no, i need to move to the newyear having this good improvement i have in me. I have to keep up, to not make myself go back from being dormant. I need to have a life that is fun to live in, and i don't need any regrets in it.

And so let's hope for a fruitful and continuous growth!

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( All images used are for presentation purposes only )

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Avatar for Julsijuls
2 years ago
Topics: Writing, Diary, Blog, Reflections, Write, ...


I admire you for stepping out and making a changes out of your routine. It is good that some blogs are really helping others to get their inspiration.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes yes! But one has to be careful about what they read or watch~ some blogs might influence you in a way you do not want 😅

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2 years ago